Questions about mythics

First off i got the new mythic! What are your thoughts on him

I have acquired 2 mythics in these last 2 days and i now have 3 ,Kuraokami,Donrilla and Ydraig. How do you evolve these things and unlock secret skills?
Do i need 2 copies of each to get them to the final stage and then a 3rd copy to unlock the secret skill?? Is it even worth it???

you need 3 more copies of each of them to ultra evolve them in their final forms

Oh dang thats gonna be hard!
Then you gotta unlock their SS as well in the typical fashion?

I think but i’m not sure since none of my myth has been awoken only one that is near

Are any of mine worth putting in my team at their 2nd evolve, i really suck at team building it seems

Most mythics are at least useable in their second forms, albeit not usually to the same extent as the final form. Gangrilla is actually easily one of the stronger ones, he already has most of the moves he really needs to work.

I got the joker is it even good?

yes when there is a bronzeshell in your lineup he does big damage

The mythics in there second stages I would equate to very S-S+ Super Epics or A-A+ legendaries, a few falling a bit short of that mark. Patience and diligence of hoarding gems for events like this are required to Ultra evolve them to final form. Or deep pockets.

Should i use all my gems that im gonna get from the anniversary on the donrilla egg?

I’d wait till the 25th to see what is going to be in the halloween egg

Ok. After all the events are over i will need help building a new team for sure.

Should i evolve my mythics?

This is where a random team generator would help lol. What do you need assistance with?

Ill post my team so far

Once you evolve kanishogun you can build a nice assisted earth FL with a few 4star earth mons and emerald.

Shogun,emerald,shurkaizer, and virzid? What about auro

Auro goes best with other threats to create a dilemma for the enemy. Kill auro, or let auro get value.