PvP Team Suggestions?

Hello! I have been playing this game quite a bit but I have not really gotten into the PvP as much as I would like to. Part of that is due to me being unsure of a good PvP team format.

Currently I use:

Omegawyrm, Typhonwyrm, Magmawyrm, Arkwing, Angelon, Plasmorex, Nitrobird, Goldenhorn, Stormfox, Raijin, Volttiger, Mechanoraptor, Mechanoraptor, Luxknight, Shadowlance

I know this is not a great team and so I am open to suggestions and any help at all!

Others I have:

The 4 dragons, Nilomoth, Levi, Raptorex, Nilox, Georex, Vulcaraptor, Pyroviper, Twigster, Fireheart, Searex, Stegotops, Cherubion, Metallodious, Skywolf, Gigaceros, Flamogun, Gryphon, Naga, Chillmaiden, and another Raijin.

Also if anyone has any suggestions on which monsters to obtain to make my team better just let me know!

Thanks you all for your time :slight_smile:

Look around the pvp section of this forum, there are a lot of strategy inputs there.

Firstly, all your wyrms, put them at the back as their vengeances get stronger the more of your arks get killed.

Mix with support ark, you’ll be surprised how some of them are very useful in pvp. Having access to all released arks, including kamiwyrm (excl destructor), I still have 4-5 support arks in my pvp team. Halopard, raioh, chopperbug, gremknight.

Okay awesome! I’ll be sure to dig around the PvP section and see what I can find. Thanks for your help!