PVP rules

Hi everyone. I just saw this update and think most of you guys will agree that we don’t want this!. One more week? I was counting the days for this rule to be over. I know it’s like a compensation for the server issue, but believe me devs, this compensation is not necessary at all.
I’d also like to add a thought about ruled PVP in general:
Rules are “some times” interesting,and yes, we in general like to play by these rules, which allow to try new things BUT, one week of ruled PVP is more than enough!.
What people likes the most is the NO RULED PVP, and we only get one week of that in the whole month!. I think we’ll all agree it should be the opposite of that. So I propose this🤷🏻‍♂️: one week of ruled PVP, and the other two of no ruled PVP.


3 days isn’t so bad

Completely agree I’ve been thinking thebsame for quite a while now. We need no rule PvP before ranking to try out new teams which we can’t do during rules because they narrow down the number of possible teams we can try 1 week rule it’s more than enough imo and will be balanced i think. I’ve played during every rule but lately it’s too opressive because I’ve been wanting to test a lot of things and i haven’t do it because i only have 1 week of no rule befire ranking to get in shape. People wanted rules for PvP not to be the same boring thing for the entire month but half PvP season of Rule its excessive and all these rules are really unfair for players with smaller collections and we don’t want them to leave the game because they are tired of loosing in Ruled PvP…


The special rule isn’t extended… we just got 1 more week of no rule PvP before the ranked PvP starts.

Your wish was granted before you even realised

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Oh,I see. Anyway, what do you think about the second thing I talked about? Don’t you think two weeks of ruled PVP and only one of no ruled is wrong? Don’t you think what people likes the most is to play PVP without rules? Pve events are OK, but it is obvious that what motivates most of people to play neo is the no ruled PVP, where you can build whatever you want, with “all” the monsters you have, and we only get one week of that🤷🏻‍♂️. Ruled PVP should be only one week

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You spend 2/3 of PVP time by playing or testing a team that you’re not gonna use in ranked. It should be the opposite. And don’t get me wrong, as I said before, it s fun to play some time with new rules, but 2/3 of PVP time is too much

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This season was planned to be 10 days of special rule then 9 days of no rule (6, then 3 ranked). That’s basically 50:50.

I can’t speak for all people but I think things would get very stale if we had almost all no rule. With mythics being behind a paywall there are fewer meta-changing monsters coming into circulation so there’s a higher risk of things becoming boring than there was in the past. The balance we have right now seems about right to me.

My position is as someone who loves PvP but doesn’t feel inspired to play it 24/7. The special rule is ideal for getting me to play it and enjoy it. I like it more than normal PvP because the teams are more unique and it’s easier to mess around. If the period it was on was reduced it would give me less opportunity to play it and make different teams for it.

I think the people who want to do PvP all day every day should embrace the special rules and accept they might be on for a bit longer than they want so that other people can have fun. And like I said above… you might regret asking for them to be reduced if you find the normal PvP getting stale.

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I understand your point of view.
I posted this cause of my point of view,and what I’ve seen in other chats. I’ve seen most of people loving the rule the first week, but getting bored just starting the second. Yet,there have been really few people giving their opinion about this

I don’t think it benefits many people because as i said above all these rules benefit players with large collections and for most of the playerbase it’s not the case i think a week of rule every season it’s more than enough keeping newcomers and old timers happy at the end it will be only 3 or 4 days less than what it is atm

Yup, I totally hear where you’re coming from. I can imagine if I was playing PvP lots I’d get bored of the special rule after a week and want to go back to the normal rules. Having a mixture is good. The exact time that should be allotted to each is really hard to judge. If you’re in the crowd who do PvP lots you’ll probably feel like it’s too long, whereas if you’re in the crowd who do PvP occasionally you’ll feel like it’s not quite long enough (as I do). If both of those are true we’ve probably got the right balance :wink:

If PvP was open 24/7 then I’d probably be voting for the first 2 weeks being special rule and the next 2.5 weeks being no rule, the same 50:50 kind of thing they’re going for now.