Mojinator aoe attack resets kills. It’s a fairly recent buff, like a few months or so.
Thanks mate i didn’t consider that
We need more details on this. We have already fixed an issue where, if Leira and another allied monster entered at the same time, the monster would get pushed.
However, in this case, Leira and an enemy monster entered at the same time, which may have caused an order difference, leading to the situation shown in the screenshot.
To investigate further, please provide the following details:
- Who owned Y Ddraig Goch?
- Who did Y Ddraig Goch kill?
- How did Y Ddraig Goch die?
My math is being broken, as I’m not quite sure these numbers add up.
For context, base mojignis def is supposed to be 3395.
Scenario 1: Mojignis on its own while bonded.
Interesting, hope that was intentional. Although 5 extra defense from somewhere? 3395 + 100% = 6790
Scenario 2: Mojignis with one ally
This is where it starts getting weird. Even accounting for the extra 5 from only 1 bonded mon, we get 15 more def?
6795 + 100% = 10 190
So, by now that’s an extra 20 defense for whatever reason.
Scenario 3: 2 allies
Should be 13585, somehow getting an extra 40 def lol
Scenario 4: 3 allies
Supposed to be 16 975 by now. an extra 80 def lol
Just thought I would share, since math ain’t mathing today
Also, can we give him revenge sealer
He might actually get use then ;-;
Maybe I should pot and bond it now.
Because it got a speed buff and you gotta train those exstra 2%
May I know why only 2% is it to counter something which I don’t know?
Its to counter evie and Zephyramus FLs who are both now 51 speed
1:The opponent
2:Killed elemphox
3:He died from the damage received from his own penetrating blow.
Can you please tell me speed variations due to rng?
What? Sounds like something @Killerdog is more likily to know
This is probably the best place to report this. AI is incapable of dealing with Woolala and will just happily get destroyed when she puts herself to sleep. Gotta update Woolala higher on the priority order.
Really? They kill mine nonstop lol. I have to use ap and more threatening sweepers around her to make her less of a target.
Does the enemy AI try to wake up your Woolala?
They do actually, hence the need for ap and sweepers they might consider a larger threat, like a charged Selene next in the turn order
That’s weird, I have the opposite experience. Which slot is your woolala in?
The AI controlling my monsters often fails to target woolala even though she’s sleeping and obliterating their HP. The reason why I noticed was the current SCB. I usually autoplay it and if one of my teams loses, another will usually win. However, this time all my teams were losing and I looked at what was happening. Woolala sleeps herself and not long after, 6-7 monsters are gone. Yet AI STILL doesn’t wake her up.
On entry