People looking to trade rare pokemon.

I’m looking to trade some shiny pokemon for some other potentialy shiny pokemon. Anyone interested?

Which version?

ya what jean said?

X and y version. Preferably Kalos bred pokemon.

o MY GAWD *rage quits pokemon* IM SO STUPID! I had a horde of yanmas and in it :o a shiny one! And i traded it for a freakin ditto x.x but atleast dat ditto helped me get all starters WHAA *starts crying again* but yeah i do have all starters if they count as rare and a metagross and phione

I’m looking mostly for shiny pokemon, I have like two boxes full of different shinys and what not.

Aah then no sorry i have shinies but only on diamond… Most i caught in firered in the OLd days…

Old days? I remember fire red which isnt that old imo unless you compare it to the 3d pokemon x with its fancy “mega evolutions”