New Update: Myst has survived!

Could you explain how only limiting Poseidon but not Myst stops a borderline unhealthy low TU GT combo from happening?


It’s easier to build non meta teams when you have a good collection. I’m going after your ability to analyze meta shifts as a way to see how oppressive various strategies are. Dolphins, poseidon, and charge FLs pushed so many teams out of the meta because of their strength and availability.

Looking at myst in particular, it was insane to see how the meta so drastically moved to counter it. We both don’t have any issues dealing with these strategies ourselves so this is probably the best way to judge the power of them.

Myst didn’t show up on the pvp report so it probably fell off their radar. I’m guessing that happened due to everyone trying their best to counter myst AP spam.

It won’t, but they have to sacrifice the depth of their team to run it more or less since Poseidon is limited to 1.

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No offense but you unrestricted basically all the poison stuff. There really isn’t any sacrifice to make. First half is Myst spam second half is poison. End of story. Meta dead

No idea what your point is based on but you should be nerfing something that the whole community agrees on. Hell, even all the Poseidon users said it needs a nerf.


I maxbonus him whenhe is uncommon monster


Thank you for adding Scyther to Neo @Dev_VKC :heart_eyes:


however unlike legendary monsters it is not in egg pools so it cannot be given +1 for receiving a duplicate.
as such it is a very odd decision to make a good catchable monster for newer players that essentially cannot be upgraded by newer players. not to mention the unfair disparity between people who already made it 9+ when it only used epic potions and the ones who have to make it from scratch using an item which is not easy to get hold of. there are even people potting this monster to max before updating who will now have a huge advantage.
monsters like the starter SEs can be potted using epic potions when they are still 4 star monsters. mantisword is a 0 star monster. it should be treated as one.


Not anymore :pensive:

Always fun to read KD’s hot takes where EVERYTHING IS FINE GUYS, JUST PLAY AND BE HAPPY :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


As usual

the update is… it’s… it’s…let’s leave it at that it’s quirky

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Im really disapointed with this update :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: nebris or zhulong stayed on the shadows Once again and then we get monsters like shinobi buffed ,thats really sad
At least my boy beatllebrute got a friend to play with
Pusi should be nerfed to the Ground btw

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Magnificent update where Arborgias buff tho


People never cease to amaze me how they can complain about getting a free legendary!

Dude, it’s just the same as Noxdragon. You can only get bonus for it with potions.

If you read my later posts you’ll see I have an opinion on PvP close enough to other people, I just commented on how negative people are being because the things they cared about weren’t addressed :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t agree with it! I’m a PvE player and used 12 tickets to buy Poseidon and 10 to buy Myst. It isn’t a problem in PvE and I like to use it very much so I wouldn’t want anything to happen to it! I would be very disappointed if they were both nerfed.

Other examples of shop monsters being nerfed are Flocculasaurus, Goldtail and Dusicyon. Flocculasaurus was so obnoxious, it even ruined PvE fun because Devs could just put 6 of them in a team and they would kill everything on entry without a real chance to stop them. I’m super glad it got nerfed! Then Goldtail, whose nerf was so unfair that it angered many players, including myself who doesn’t even own it. Dusicyon’s “nerf” was brilliant. The monster stayed perfectly functional, if not better than before!

Well at least for me, I was trying to be as impartial as possible because my initial reaction was to celebrate that I could make a new strongest pvp team

Honestly, I feel like poseidon + myst is also a problem in pve because of how strong it is against low buffed monsters. I made a pve team using myst in like two minutes and then got a 100 winstreak in showdown tower with barely any effort.

We have similar opinions on these monsters then. Dusi’s rework was the best balance change ever and goldtail’s nerf made no sense. I agreed with flocc being nerfed because of how oppressive it was, but making it just about unusable was unnecessary.

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I think the balance is just right! I think getting the 100 winstreak speaks more about you as a player than the tools you use. Surely in some cases one of them was killed before you could fully benefit from the combo?

It rarely happened because of the double camouflage and poseidon’s insane defense boost. I felt like the first time I got a 100 winstreak it took a good deal of decision making with the nova + haze frontline. On the other hand, I barely had to focus on the game when I was using myst and poseidon

We were talking about the PvP meta here and I guess You are well aware of the fact that it is too oppressive based on the fact that you havent made any vaild counter points to it based on a PvP perspective. Myst is not the power level of an SE. A SUPER EPIC shouldn’t have camouflage, 90 TU sneak attack,90 TU bloodfury,true hit and a tanky legendary monster to give it a turn every 60 seconds.