New dragons

That just means you can save your money and others can roll for them

What did you say?

You know better :joy::joy:

Ok so just finished the story, did the events of this one happened before the khanate invasion?

Yes it’s meant to be what triggers the invasion

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That escalated quickly, just few months ago we were talking about power creep and how new monsters over powered the old monsters.

Now we have monsters above legendary rank lol.

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Legendaries are very common these days… so this was the only solution they had to keep things interesting and make their designs look somewhat new!

One year later We Talk the same about 8 Stars :wink::smile:

What is about the story featured legends like the first ones or bb or Magga…? I think they should be the rarest kind of monsters an as the mythics now would be that, they should be mythic too somehow… but wait… just think about a mythic bb


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If these featured mythics will be very hard to get in these coming festivals then I won’t roll and save for the best ones to come.

Yeah some legends should get retroactive upgrades.

After all there’s only 1 atrahasis, and he was literally a myth for a while. So why is he only legendary?

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All first ones should ascend to dragonhood once they become mythic level


Athrasis got myth busted @Zardecil