Neo Resolutions for 2023 🎊

Happy New Year all!

I thought it might be nice to have a little New Year Resolutions thread for people to post Neo-specific goals for 2023.

Want a new mon?

Want to play more? Less?

Or maybe you want to try to make unique teams this year instead of copying the meta!

Whatever it is, share below. I hope everyone has a fantastic year, both in the game and in life :handshake:


Stay sober and not drunk spend on gems.


for this year I wish that there is no more nerf, the nerf is useless and disturbs a lot the players who do not have a very large collection and who have spent on a monster and after boom we nerf it just because a minority of people can’t get to the counter (make their speed amantisamurai)
I also wish leogiest is holding his own because he’s the only one who has yet to hold his own among the 100% crescendo monsters.

Give Shivadragon immunity to stun :pray::pray:

we also need more omegamid

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Not really a personal goal but ok :joy:

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ah, you said personal goal sorry I didn’t understand :joy::sweat_smile:

what I would like for this year is to reach the top 100, last season I finished 156th place, I have to go further.
and also recover my monsters from my old account in this one, namely (padrinorca, kattmander, Momo fd Maëva, glaciaron, mantiferno) I need them I hope I will have enough gems to have them all

and finally I would really really really like to awaken a monster :eyes::eyes: @Dev_VKC


Probably phase out of Neo for a bit. The next 6 months are going to be rough in terms of irl responsibilities.

That said I’ll probably still do shrines to try to awaken Exocross. Need 1 more copy. Also might get the chance to awaken a shop mythic next anniversary, but it’s going to be tight. I have 51x6⭐ tickets.

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Become hr 300, and then I’ll finish everything I wanted to do in neo


I want to build the ultimate water team


My new years neo resolution is to make more memes and share my account more


For 2023, I want to get closer to owning 20 awakened mythics, copy stronger teams, increase my blood sugar, obtain the restore code to Daniel’s account, and reach a 100 winstreak in pvp.


Mine are:

Eat better
Remind Gary he’s my bich every so often
Sleep more
Move on from Neo
Become #1 in a new game
Watch Wales play in the France Rugby World Cup (life long dream)


My neo resolution is simple:

Actually make use of the Shrine feature and make 500 gems my new zero.


You can’t

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And move to norway :eyes:

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I just want my top 10x5 icon and maybeeeee top 1 again awake a couple of myths more(fun ones, not meta)


Awake Azida is my big goal. I’ll try to awake Satomi too, I’m one shard away…

Best of luck bro

I want to awaken Leira, gabrielle and arachnadiva and then leave Neo as well