🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆

bruh. stop…


ye this one is dumb lol. though maybe make it vengeful bash since that is a more restrictive transient bash.

I already told VKC about them all ages ago so don’t worry people, he’s all talk :stuck_out_tongue:

Talking PvE, since that is the only place it’s viable, having stealth teammate and poison immunity makes it quite a bit better. Plus the 100s single-target version is useful to have. I personally don’t think it’s a problem. However, switching shield entrance for poison immunity on the second form would probably be more balanced.

Yeah I don’t understand this one at all. They made this monster stupid good and even the lower forms too. Only the final form should have transient bash or at least in the second form they should remove one of the passives entirely.

Easy tier 1. Awakened is obviously better for the lower TU but the second form still works the same.


Yeah Selene in second form is a S-tier "legendary"at least, but since I have her at +6, I’ll definitely push for awakening at some point, she is THAT good. The only downside is the art design…

We need skins to whale on! Spend money cloth up your waifus :triumph:

There are few more better second form legendaries but I won’t talk about them because they are useful for me rn :innocent:

Well since you dont want to. Allow me


I considered both that and Motordragon when I going through them all to write that post, but ultimately I think you’re better off playing: Santa Cloid, Dualdragoon, Steamhawk or Virus Dragon Delta.

I originally wrote Tinkerclaus into the list under “specific” but then removed it. I think of the disruption legendaries it’s the one that is closest to the final form in its second form.

Oh i soley just mentioned it because of boxlock as players are using the fact that second form and evolved form does exactly the same thing to save on cost

Still got double repulse to bring in the boxes and still delivers 2 boxes then it gets backbiten

Oh yeah for that combo it’s very useful. I’ll add it to my little list

@Killerdog What are you waiting for to rank the goat keiser? His nerf ? This is the most powerful archetype support monster in the game. It does its job perfectly, it’s a monster .It must be placed in the closed circle of the S+ level

I don’t know why you leave lancerat at S level it’s cosmic trash.

Cyclophina is the most powerful endgame monster in the game ahead of harleking, she is not S but S+.

Yup Keiser S+ and Cyclophina S+ are lined up for when I next do a tier list update. I intend to get one done before the anniversary.

Sir. Lancerat is still great. You can pretty much get a free 80s for your team so it’s in a similar realm to Deathgazer but for non-poison teams

1 Like

Cool :grinning:

humm. I still prefer nagandia


Those three are top S+ the best endgame in the game.


Satomi A+,her needs buff



With the 9th anniversary coming up fast, I want to get ahead with putting in all these monsters released in recent months as well as shifting some things around. We’ve got some ridiculously strong monsters here! A couple of these monsters have been buffed since their release in the meantime so I’ll mention how they were on release as well.


These are done in order of release with mythics, legendaries then super epics, etc…

Squirrelgirl04 Risu goes in at C for general, E for PvP, second form tier 2 and D for HP boost, with a defence buff that gives defence cap and 95% (I think) damage reduction this looks exciting at first glance but is very complex and clunky to use. There’s some cool revive looping stuff you can do with the A-con, but overall the issues are: you cannot synergise with sendback and Risu itself does not interact with the enemies until 300s has passed. The A-con isn’t super slow at attacking, but it feels like it is when you have Risu doing nothing useful at the time (your team depends on the other two monsters too much). Tranquiliser dart helps this monster out a lot but ultimately Risu is just too hard to do well with in most teams because it’s not proactive enough. I think the way to make it work is to utilise shadow detox by finding ways to poison it and monsters with high TU moves that you sendback after they attack, but that’s easier said than done. Even in PvE where I was excited for this, it can’t maintain the defence buff while attacking easily enough that it’s outclassed by so many other monsters.

Octopusgirldark04 Obsybdia goes in at S- for general, A for PvP, second form tier 2 and S for HP boost, with a spin on Charybdia’s moveset this unfortunately got a lot of hate because people were thinking it’s a sweeper when actually it’s tanky stun protection that does disruption. Camouflage, hold ground, a shield, defence cap + 50% damage reduction and a way to heal once all with no killer weakness (other than stealthbane) makes this basically the tankiest stun protection in the game. It also gets one guaranteed kill but leaving them as dead weight in the meantime and the other moves are all pretty useful too. That all said, it’s definitely not as good as Charybdia because auto-poison is incredibly powerful as well as abyssal ambush being very restrictive. Obsybdia is also in an awkward position where it doesn’t want to be in the front line but needs 250s to pass after it gets a turn and then it can only kill newly entering enemies… i.e. it can only actually target the last few monsters of the enemy team in PvP. That makes abyssal ambush even more restricted than it looks at first glance. So the design leaves a bit to be desired even though it’s a good monster. I hope the abyssal move is changed to also critical when there are no reinforcements remaining (i.e. right at the end of a battle) because that’s where she really gets stuck. For PvE this is excellent, but still also not as good as Chary because healing while attacking makes Chary incredibly strong.

Anubisdragon04 Lumimalus goes in at S for general, S for PvP, second form tier 2 and A for HP boost, with easy piercing kills set up on entry or with 50/100TU moves while being punishing to kill and high defence this is yet another power crept generic mythic sweeper that isn’t anything crazy but pushes legendaries further away from being playable. It also only became that way because the design on release wasn’t good enough - the exact same story as Candy. Moaning aside, there is cool synergy here with anything that can place death sentence on enemies, particularly Atlanachia and Deviladus but you can also do it with Skeleviathan (s), Onigeist, Onyxia or perhaps Soulstealer. Lumimalus can tie that together into more of a strategy, whereas Atlanachia alone wasn’t enough to make it worthwhile. I think sadly it will rarely be used in this way because people won’t have the right pieces to build the team plus Lumimalus works so well alone, but I have to give a nod to the design. Revival ritual can situationally be very useful, which rounds out this monster nicely to have something more than simply sweeping.
On release this was a more complex design that basically punished the opponent for not targeting it but not well enough and it had a useless SS. It was an interesting design and I wish they leaned into that more (e.g. double retribution → double vengeance and some kind of useful SS) but it didn’t do enough in any aspect so would have been E/C/3/D in the tier list.

Waterfairy04 Selene goes in at S+ for general, S+ for PvP, second form tier 1 and S for HP boost, with insanely low TU powerful sweeping moves, HG and a defence buff this is clearly pushed to be one of the top monsters in the game. I believe this is simply the best PvE monster and among the top PvP monsters. Strangely though, it’s somehow not broken. What keeps it in check is the first move does almost no damage so it effectively has 15% speed for its first real attack and that can critical fewer than half the enemies you typically meet so it’s another 34TU before you can attack the rest. That window of time is what the opponent has to stop it, otherwise there’s a good chance they will lose. Since there’s plenty of piercing in the game now it’s also somewhat reasonable to kill and it doesn’t have the defence buff if there’s a holy monster around. That said, sleep immunity allows OoO stuff and if the opponent doesn’t have a way to deal with it before it gets sweeping it’s clearly insane. This is an easy top tier all around and should probably be toned down (I’d love the moves to be 30, 70, 70, 30 TU rather than all 40 because it matches the lunar cycle better).

Joanarc04 Jeanne d’Arc goes in at B for general, D for PvP, second form tier 3 and B for HP boost, with a passive that revives it when it dies this is very much one of those mythics that is designed with a gimmick and isn’t very strong. However, it does come with the modern power creep of triple passives, efficient TU high damage moves and a piercing move. Revenge sealer is the big one here, since annoying revenges are commonly played. It’s worth noting that defensive assault isn’t enormous damage so the tanky mythics won’t die (or anything in PvE). Also, even though it can kill repulse monsters, if that doesn’t line up then repulse counters Jeanne very hard. Overall I think this is a good monster in lower powered PvP or amongst a lot of powerful mythics where there are too many threats to deal with so it has time to be an annoyance (note that many mythics work well in this setup so that’s not a big highlight). So that places it quite low in the tier list.

Vampiresummer04 Carmillette goes in at S+ for general, S+ for PvP, second form tier 1 and S for HP boost, with a clear callback to Carmilla this is also a very generic sweeper that can go into any team but it swaps reliability for a higher ceiling. Simply put, this is an insane monster when you meet any protect or sleep monsters. Even without that it can do piercing killing with sanguine spell, which is a little slow but can easily line up kills with teammates (either for them or for Carmillette with the help). That kind of piercing killing puts it well above most monsters in the game and the healing from sanguine spell makes it among the best PvE monsters. As for PvP, I’m sure people will have different takes on Carmillette but I think camouflage is what really sells me on it being top notch - it’s so hard to kill or control.

Medusa04 Medusa goes in at S- for general, S+ for PvP, second form tier 2 and A for HP boost, with super reliable kills every 100-130TU, camouflage and the very powerful petrify revenge this is going to be annoyingly awkward to deal with and very powerful on the battlefield. I don’t want to moan too much, but this is another case of pure power creep and pushing out legendaries. We even have a Medusa-style design in Nagandia already. To see more of my moaning check out this post. This design is actually quite boring to me because it so easily gets kills every turn and basically always any enemy you want. The petrify move almost feels like an unnecessary gimmick but that’s a bit you can build around with true hit teammates. Otherwise, anything with stealthbane / sneak attack will synergise while Medusa simply sweeps every turn. From the moveset alone (+hazy entrance) it’s an average or better mythic, but camouflage and petrify revenge bump it up to contend with stuff like Carmilla.

Beardragon04 Ursadonis goes in at B for general, B for PvP and B for HP boost, with tanky stats and speed ravage this is appealing but a bit too restricted. Skyfall is a very cool move but too high TU unless you have lava entrance behind and unfortunately makes it gain chrono weakness. Taunt is also nice to have on a monster designed like this. A bear eating fish with sashimi slicer is a nice touch. Ultimately, I think this is a great design idea for a monster but unfortunately no component of it is quite good enough. It mostly boils down to have medium TU killing only on specific targets and with a risk of being countered or not achieving much. There’s a huge difference between killing anything you like and only certain targets, which means this cannot be anything other than mediocre.

Fairydragonlord04 Elfin dragon keiser goes in at S- for general, S+ for PvP and D for HP boost, with the most notorious set of passives in the game since its release, this came out and broke the meta. There are multiple design flaws here and I think everyone is familiar by now. Ultimately, making a monster impossible to target while chaining together piercing attacks at ridiculously low TU thanks to the turn swap move + seconds reduction on ED entry meaning they’re already at low TU and the 1TU swap moves meaning they’re protected from sleep and can immediately recharge their piercing moves is almost impossible to stop once it gets started and gains insurmountable advantage. People quickly realised there were easy ways to run it like with a high speed knockback monster and your first ED is the storm one for stun flash to give you all the time you need to start the chain of attacks. The goal was noble, but the execution was a big mistake. Funnily enough it doesn’t need HP boost because the opponent can’t target it, but the SEs are basically all high defence and benefit greatly from being HP boosted.

Cloudsnake04 Skyherra goes in at S for general, A for PvP and A for HP boost, with a design where it’s very tanky and gets a turn every time it’■■■■■ this is really cool and plays a lot like Focalforce but is better because it has decent speed, void moves and a very serious payoff for surviving. Between the three void moves you should pretty much always find a target in PvP, so the question for whether it’s strong is if the opponent has piercing and if 200TU is too slow. Unfortunately, I think generally the answer to both those questions is yes. However, the decent speed does help it a lot and means it’s much more playable than a lot of those mid-power legendaries. I’m personally most excited for it in PvE where it’s one of the best payoffs for passing time and the AI will presumably keep giving it turns. If not clear already, novablast charges bloodbath and at that point it’s nuts.

Goldfishwarrior04 Chubpoon goes in at F for general, F for PvP and D for HP boost, with hilarious art and design this monster brings a smile to my face, but it might as well be Neo Monster’s Magikarp. It is absolutely terrible without Honghua because double retribution damage is low, and it’s not proactive in any way. Protecting from stun is not enough, nor is an explosive revenge. Revenant seal won’t activate unless it first dies to stun, but is also too high TU to be particularly useful even when you have Honghua. So now let’s assume you have Honghua, notoriously one of the worst mythics in PvP. This is decent support that makes her genuinely more consistent and quite scary because she can use it for a free sacrifice plus it’s tanky stun protection. Basically, playing both together is what makes them viable, but even then it’s not as strong as what other monsters can be doing and always runs the risk the opponent kills the Honghua(s) and leaves this fish by itself. Chubpoon in that setup still doesn’t do too much because the moves are all lacklustre, it’s simply a support piece and gets carried by Honghua’s fast piercing sweeping.

Lilyghost04 Mortilys goes in at E for general, S for PvP and D for HP boost, with the lowest defence and HP possible and a moveset that’s basically terrible apart from one move this is a very all-or-nothing design that relies almost entirely on specific team building. Either you need to play this in the front line with slow teammates or intend to line it up to get a turn after you use moves to put the rest of your team on high TU. Initially I was incredibly skeptical of this working reliably, but now I realise the way to make this work is using monsters at +0 and when you meet an opponent who doesn’t have their monsters at +5 or above hopefully they’re not a strong opponent (at +5 you have most of the entrance speed already). You can also always fall back on the SS to shield your team. When it does work, you’re able to get a free turn with your whole team. Beyond that, you have two choices: either you remove it (bear in mind backstab will set your monster back by 150s so you’ll want to sendback instead) or you’ve created your setup with high TU monsters that allow you to shriek again and push back the enemies. It seems like particular setups will be incredibly brutal like this. For specific PvE battles Mortilys will be a useful tool but otherwise it won’t have much purpose.
Talking numbers… there are very few monsters below 20% speed in the game and in PvP the lowest you meet tends to start at about 30% (E.D. Keiser is an exception right now - 24%). A 40%+0 monster will be just ahead of a 20%+9 monster. A 47%+0 monster will be roughly the same as a 30%+9 monster. So basically you’re probably safe to use anything in the low 40% and below while still being able to shriek reliably. Anything that’s already below 30% speed you can probably have at +9.

Holytriceratopsur03 Heavenshorn (s) goes in at E for general, E for PvP and D for HP boost, with a moveset that’s all over the place this will probably someday help a particular combo work but is otherwise a really bad monster. The main problem here is that low attack makes all three attacks do bad damage. The monster also doesn’t summon anything for dual throw, will get a turn instantly so retribution won’t be charged unless the opponent killed multiple things at once and there’s no way to capitalise on the poison storm entrance. Roaring entrance with ally substitute is cool but poison storm entrance isn’t worth re-triggering this way. Therefore, it all comes down to what you’re using it with.

Happydragonblack03 Gummy dragon licorice goes in at C for general, E for PvP and D for HP boost, with this completing the full cycle, I think it’s safe to say these missed the mark a bit. They’re not able to attack enough because getting enough Vanillawhelps on the battlefield is tricky and means you then don’t have many G.D.s to actually attack with. I hope we get a legendary/mythic that counts as a Vanillawhelp. As for G.D. Licorice itself, it’s basically more of the same but with the most restrictive pair of moves so I think it’s the worst.

Cactusdragon03 Cactalars goes in at S for general, S for PvP and S for HP boost, with a good mix of attacking and support that fits into both dragon and plant union this is a really good role player that I don’t think got enough hype. Plant union is in its infancy, but Atramenthus (a very recent SE) plus this should give us a good reason to play it and then dragon union is already good enough. Simply put, this has near-defence cap stats (only high attack monsters don’t face the defence cap on it) and will do very valid moves every 100TU with a 160TU piercing one-shot option (5.5k-6k damage). The mediocre speed doesn’t make it stand out like Megalodragon or Scarleguard but the reliability when it does get turns plus it can support any strong dragon/plant teammates means it will be better on the battlefield. For a SE this is very strong. Note that for union attack it only needs one dragon/plant teammate and the attack stat is high enough it will one-shot most things. Playing all dragons/plants is mostly for the defence buff. Also note that Blossomight+Sanguinymph+Dracorosa is an all-plant combo which is a great one for newer players to use, which this monster works beautifully with.

Mapledeer03 Oberon goes in at S- for general, A for PvP, D for HP boost and combo for SEs veterans utilise, with an incredibly unique moveset this is a fun design and it all comes down to how you can make it work. In theory, you play this at the start of a team and by the time it gets a turn a teammate will have died, giving you access to instantly kill at least 2 enemies on the turn followed by a non-piercing one-shot. Note that blitz guardian demise can still be used for some non-critical piercing damage. After this, you need some way to remove it because it’s complete dead weight but you have to do so without targeting. Blacktitan works, as well as exile, Ammityrant’s sin punishment or Tricertalon. There aren’t many other good things you can do with it except team turn moves, overwatch + lava entrance or Whitetitan to allow it to attack again. This seems like a very nice PvE option where you can build around it reliably for 3-4 kills and I hope we get more ways to kill it off so it can see some play in PvP. You’re only ever going to play this if you have built around it so I’m rating it in the tier list based on that.

Summeroid02 Snorkoid goes in at notable for PvP, with clear support for stealth teams this is a cool cheap option that I’m sure some people will find a slot for. Exit plan and stealth teammate are brilliant moves to have. It’s excellent design and may even dodge getting punished by protector counters. I just wish it had slightly higher speed so it has a better chance to get to a turn for exit plan.

treasurem2 Boxchomp goes in at notable for general and notable for PvP, with only 1 cost this is by far the most powerful monster that exists for that cost in your team. If you’ve played much against Rhinoel you’ll know these can pull their weight in a battle even if they’re not what you actually want compared to a proper monster. So basically we can use this as filler at the back of a team where it might help close out a battle.

acaneb Noxegg goes in at notable for general and notable for PvP, with 4 cost and creating a Revenarchion this is very cool and easy to slot into a team. For PvP I think it’s only worth considering when you’re not playing at a high level because Revenarchion isn’t very strong, but can do some work for newer players. In PvE this is exceptional if you already have Revenarchion to get two in your team. Definitely add extra revival stuff to get even more in your team and you’ll have a good time. This is a brilliant addition I hope many medium spenders take advantage of in PvE.

Sheepoid02 Wooloid does not go into any tier list, with relatively high cost (5) and a very situational move this is not a monster I like at all. It’s meant to be an enabler for low speed FLs, but if even one of your monsters is faster than an enemy then all it can do is the basic attacks. You’re much better off using a number of the other special rocks which have a useful extra effect or lower cost. High defence is the only thing that stands out but the HP is so low it doesn’t matter. Just use Blockadus instead.
One noteworthy thing about this is it introduces a new type of attack/defence statline we’ve never seen before. Its even more extreme than “full defence”. It will be interesting if we continue to see more monsters like Dreadmoth and Wooloid pushing the stats more extreme than the usual 5 statlines.

3Headedrockoid02 Triploid goes in at notable for general and notable for PvP, with four rocks packed into one and only 4 cost this is nuts. The rocks are created even if you sacrifice it with a teammate. I’ve been very critical of all monsters that want to backstab or use retribution moves in PvE, but this is a legitimate way to pull off all that because it’s so cheap for a team to use. I’m also critical of things like Airavalon and Gnashjaw (s) creating rocks next in line because they need to utilise them themselves and don’t do it in a strong enough way plus aren’t cost-efficient enough to enable the other strategies. I’m also critical of traditional backstab targets like Solblaze, Ebizush and Balancion because if you build to backstab them your strategy can be spoilt by either monster dying.
Triploid fixes literally all those issues by being low cost, no team building requirements to work, “reliable” value because it’s auto-protect monsters that will get in the way and it offers four things to sacrifice which is plenty and your opponent cannot stop you from getting at least one to backstab. It’s even creating tokens for any token sacrifice synergy. Also, the rockoids come with full stats so they can take multiple hits to kill.
Triploid is by far the best special rock we’ve got and probably the best 0-4* monster we’ve ever seen. I love what this does for PvE where it enables so many monsters to work well. However, this is quite clearly absurdly strong for PvP and likely needs a signficant nerf. This is like a more reliable, stronger Zomboid at lower cost and that monster has already been nerfed shortly after its release. I wish this monster could stay existing for PvE, but hate what it will do to PvP.

I’ve just found out that the rockoids created with Triploid also come with HP boost. This is absurdly strong! It’s quite clearly the best low star monster to HP boost. So Triploid goes into worthy of consideration for HP boost.


This time I did a bunch of small shifts around of the mythics as I re-evaluate some given the changing meta over time and compared to new monsters. A few of the recent buffs also didn’t increase monsters in the tier list quite enough so I’ve corrected that.

F.D. Maeve & Zephyramus:
Some of you may have noticed I’ve had these listed as ones I wanted to change for months. The reason is, as PvP has shifted far more towards mythics and we’ve seen other design shifts, Maeve’s lack of piercing is very noticeable especialy when compared to the way Zephy plays. Zephy is also less restricted and can even be played alongside Maeve. The fact I had these two tiers apart seems very wrong to me, particularly when they should probably be the other way around. I think Maeve basically creates a setup that’s only semi-viable now at the top of PvP whereas Zephy creates a viable team. So them being flipped in the tier list feels about right, with Zephy likely dropping a tier in the future as we get more strong mythics.
F.D. Maeve moves from A → C in PvP
Zephyramus moves from C → A in PvP and B → A in HP boost

Mythics moving up:
Uraniumedhus moves from A → S- in general
Deus X moves from D → B in general and B → A in PvP, switch enemy at only 70TU is definitely great for control.
Haneri moves from S- → S in PvP and B → A in HP boost
Candy moves from B → S- in PvP, in retrospect the passives here are really good and it should simply be used for transient bash.
Mechangelion moves from B → A in PvP
Nightingale moves from B → A in PvP
Prismegasus moves from B → A in HP boost
Tenguko moves from D → B in HP boost

Mythics moving down (general or both):
Momo moves from S+ → S in general
Azida moves from S → S- in general
Coretta moves from S → S- in general and A → C in PvP
Gremoris moves from S- → C in general and A → B in PvP, too slow to do its thing and too easily hard countered or unable to sleep what you need it to.
Hadeshoof moves from S- → A in general and S → S- in PvP, blitz attack is weaker than I thought.
Kanna moves from S- → A in general and S → A in HP boost
Mistletorment moves from A → B in general and D → E in PvP, too much piercing around now.
Voidress moves from B → C in general and S- → A in PvP
Aethereon moves from C → D in general
Suikenshi moves from C → D in general
Y Ddraig Goch moves from D → E in general

Mythics moving down (PvP or HP boost):
Bastia moves from S+ → S in PvP, incredibly powerful but the team building limitations are big.
Cynthia moves from S+ → S in PvP, still extremely strong but we now have other contenders for S+.
Hazuki moves from S → S- in PvP
Sakuralisk moves from S → S- in PvP
Wilhelmina moves from S- → A in PvP
Satomi moves from A → B in PvP, too many mythics don’t have their SS turned on.
Yukihime moves from A → B in PvP
Onyxia moves from B → C in PvP, losing instant KBR means unless you have a low HP target lined up this has a low impact in the battle for a while.
Sepheris moves from E → F in PvP
Hu Shin moves from S → A in HP boost

Legendaries moving up:
Blitzdyr moves from S → S+ in general, a win condition even in auto-play, this works so well thanks to purify + HG.
Mantisamurai moves from S- → S in general
Cyclophina moves from B → A in general and S → S+ in PvP, yes it does sometimes not line up, but the damage buff to oddbreaker I knew was crazily good for this monster so I shouldn’t have been hesitant to put it in S+.
Arboribratus moves from B → A in PvP, I was always a fan of this but haven’t had enough proof until recently. It performs very well as a tanky protector that you use alongside poison to kill two things and the high TU doesn’t matter because it’s a protector.
Helioseer moves from C → B in PvP
Airavalon moves from D → C in PvP, there is some credit to how it can single-handedly create 7 rocks next in line plus also remove itself if it would be dead weight. For the right teams this is useful.

Legendaries moving down (general):
Delugazar moves from S+ → S in general
Jaguardian moves from S- → A in general
Kamiwyrm (s) moves from B → C in general
Padrinorca moves from B → C in general
Dolphoenix moves from C → D in general
Pupupa/Doomoth moves from C → D in general
Pupupa/Marksmoth moves from C → D in general
Pupupa/Stormoth moves from C → D in general
Valzareign moves from D → E in general

Legendaries moving down (PvP):
Canishogun moves from S → S- in PvP, stun converter less relevant and piercing is less unique.
Leogeist moves from S → S- in PvP, mostly kept here as a signal for newer players that it’s genuinely good (even though never chosen by veterans) but there’s a bunch of good mythic stun protection options now that it’s hard to justify when I’m rating other legendaries based on how they fare in a higher level meta.
Nauticruiser moves from A → B in PvP
Pumpking moves from A → B in PvP
Flocculasaurus moves from B → C in PvP

Super epics:
Twighoul moves from S- → A in PvP
Robinator moves from A → B in PvP


Tier list updates have become essays, especially when it’s doing stuff built up over 5 months. For anyone who reads through all that, I hope you enjoyed it :slight_smile:


Explain this a bit more for me. She seems far to circumstantial to me to be S+ sanguine skill is nice and all but its still like 160 seconds before she can do anything threatening. And with her speed very little is gonna be faster than her to set her up turn 1. (I do mostly see her in fl tho so who knows maybe you are right when she enters later in the match)

I did thanks! :purple_heart::cherry_blossom:

I went back and forth on Carmillette a lot. Initially I thought she’d be S-, but the more I thought about her and compared her to other monsters the more she stood out. She’s one of the hardest to kill monsters in the game, having the two most defensive passives. Her healing move is far, far better than Carmilla’s because it is always guaranteed to full heal and taking off 50% no questions asked is very handy while also healing and is surprisingly efficient as a fail case for damage dealing. She’s also insanely good at countering protectors and sleep monsters because trying to kill her before she gets a turn when she enters is very challenging to line up. Most of the time if you have something she counters then she’s going to get the two kills as soon as she enters.

Yeah FL she is less reliable. You either use her there for the specific countering or you put her further back in the team to get more benefit out of her. Her high speed makes her super good for the mid-game.