neo monster memes/fan art

Top tier player has not spent a single penny and at the same time has poopy legendaries yet he is one of the strongest players in this game

haha nice

What do you mean by ‘poopy legendaries’?

I think he means like none

Lol it as poop but the forum made it kid friendly

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Probs KC being the white knight in the background XD
But yeah his legendaries are in the lower half of the quality scale. He’s just that good

EDIT: yeah it was KC, see the edit message on the original.

haha, KC the white knight also how on earth does he do it, it’s crazy

pretty epic. 

You’re all welcome, now get back to memeing.

Will do…

Nice! I like the middle one the most though cause I say that every single time I hear them talk about like floor 200-1000+ and I’m here at 96 like “how on earth did they get there”


Nebies and atries

Press to see the video gif


Don’t forget the frostriders

Another two



nice one

Haha love this 1

Creating memes while waiting for a match…