Need a few new friends

I went through and cleared out friends who haven’t been on in 30+ days so I could use a few new friends. Unfortunately every time I try to friend a random person that is sharing their friends list is full soooo…

Sent me a request!
Friend code: 63726812

Currently sharing +2 aegis dragon

Im on several times a day, I will add you.

I’ll add you too

Currently sharing :cyrokaizer

Added you :wink: cleared out all the useless monsters recently and ageisdragon seems nice :wink:
Sharing Atrahasis atm

Sharing Godfeather atm
Added you

Sharing rexotyrant but can also share dragaia, my friend code is 63611585

AAdded you share rexo

Good idea, I also deleted inactive friends… New ones can come handy feel free to add me,
The Godfeather +2, Nightlord +1

how many legends did you land on in total? Sounds crazy since everyone says you are f2p…

Landed on 7 but 2 of them was duplicates. :confused:
My Godfeather is +2 because I give him legendary potions from dungeon event

7 times are impressive enough…Eagerly want a shocking entrance.

Ok, Nightlord comes to help

  1. Anyone can add me. I have 9 legendaries currently

23415546 Kamiwyrm

Nightrider shared right now 21981493

67801378 sharing a +3 Alphagear

32278998 Rexotyrant
69437413 Nightrider

I really like your aegis as a friend, since buckingham shares his dolph instead of aegis.

I switched for a bit, I’m sharing lavaronix now.

I noticed a few people seem to be sharing aegis recently and I usually aim to fill gaps.

89627779 sharing altrahasis