Looking to fill friends slots

I can use a few more friends hard to find them through mission help most are usually full. if u have room feel free to add me. my friend number is. 60235601. I currently have super epic leaf protector selected. great tank for lightning monsters.

84165590 if you want to add me as well. zephyrox share, ultra evolved until I get alpha wolf evolved. Both of them have Team Turn, great for giving your entire team that initiative edge, and bloodcrave/knockback are amazing strategic weapons

One of these days… a legendary… one of these days.

My friend code is 12838667. I’m sharing The Godfeather last biter, if anyone wants to add me. :slight_smile:

I share the ultimate budfish :stuck_out_tongue:

18767820 Luxerion right now. Unwanted friend one of the most useful skills in the game!


I share aegisdragon, legendary auto protector


I’m sharing the last biter Dragaia

67801378, sharing flarevern. Poisons enemies automatically. 



Sharing TitanWolf can come in handy

64814542 On IOS sharing Cryokaizer, Serapheon or Omegasdragon.
22857002 On Android sharing Penguini

My friendcode is 90940441. Im sharing Ventokaizer the ultra evolved Stormdragon. I like him :slight_smile:


Sharing Nebelronix, the Icy bird with create duplicate and death revenge.

sharing Atrahasis which is the final boss of main story


Sharing Zephyr --> Team Turn  


Sharing a +2 godfeather

20864848 sharing Warca, legendary 400sec novablast + bloodthirst