My phone broke

Hey guys my phone broke and I need to pass over my save from this phone to a new phone. I didnt write down my restore code anywhere because I wasnt expecting this to happen. I cant see my phone screen at all. The only thing that works is my touch screen. Is there any way I transfer my save over with the help of a dev or do I not need my restore code to transfer over my save to a new phone?

Message the devs.

You can contact them through,message them at Facebook or write a private message to the developers, you will be asked some questions which will be used for the recovery of your game such as your friend codes, monsters you have etc… just be patient

Oh okay perfect, thanks guys!

i lost my restore code like 3 monthos ago and i contacted this email to regain it

you will need the following things

We need the following information for your restoration:

  1. Online Name or Friend code number of account you want to restore.
  2. Purchase Receipt (you should have a receipt of the initial purchase of the app sent to your registered email)
    Without these, we cannot restore your progress. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to find your account especially if you provide Online Name instead of Friend code, since it is not unique as there may be too many entries with the same name.
    Thank you for your understanding.