- Good
- Okay
- Bad
- Good
- Okay
- Bad
- Good
- Okay
- Bad
I thought it was a garden fairy for a second lol
Wait its not?
She’s a plant, not a fairy with wings, silly
Damn thats crazy i was so sure we were getting another GF when i saw the design
Btw, she is immune to death revenges XD
Is it immune to death revenge? Or is it immune to heart burst exile oust and such moves?
Can someone test that?
Went in with an Auro DR team just to test my new dr setup, Lily isn’t effected at all XD
Oh damn! Can she kill a torto and just ignore his revenge?
She did
In built payback killer! I love it
But did Torto got a copy of Lily?
Best design so far. Her skills were also. Will be using her with sleep team
Zigzagame take note: THIS is an acceptable design. The recently released mythics are too sexual in one way or another.
Btw where is the censor update…
this feels like it could be OP in the right setup. the SS is a weird one. basically an Atrahesis killer in UC. why is her passive better than Ankara’s?
Speed will hold it back.
With low attack the assassinate and double survivor are terrible. It completely relies on a teammate putting enemies to sleep so it can double dreamhunt then bloodscream. Nothing exciting with the TU and all it does is kill enemies, it seems poor to me.
The SS is a really bad idea to use because you have to put your team to sleep and then cannot do anything except wake up enemies. She is literally forced to attack and only hits 2+ enemies at a time.
I think this is almost actively bad in PvP. In PvE it’s playable because you can simply use it as a sweeper if you have a teammate put an enemy to sleep and it’s generally tanky plus bloodscream does great damage for buffed enemies.
ok this is great artwork. Its just what a fairy should be like
They powercrept my 6Star Arborgias suggestion
Wait, does this mean that when Arborgias will get his Mythic form, it will have an even stronger passive? Must be so.
Is she forced to attack though? Can’t she simply skip until everyone wakes up? If that’s the case, you could use her to stall for time and power eonarx or anyone with survivor moves?
I did notice that her attack stat is pathetic, bloodscream would be useful if it (a) charged like a blood move rather than simply doing base crit damage, or (b) reducing time cost to 100tu.
The moveset feels very unfocused to me. I dont see any meaningful way to utilize her that synergizes with literally anything other than the new myth-- clearly they intended her SS to pair with the myth.
Seems like the goal is to keep her alive during the 1st 100tu, then use SS, then wait the ~300tu for sleep to almost end, then use double dreamhunt, then switch to double survivor.
I only see bloodscream being useful if she’s used her SS with woolala, who will spend the entire 300s wearing down the health of the (almost) guaranteed-sleeping enemy team.
The big problem with the SS is that any enemy mons not put to sleep will just be replaced with a new (not asleep) enemy. It would still insta-kill carmilette though, plus any poisoned enemy, or sleep immune, or shield-having enemy as well. I suppose if you could put her with, say, a sherloid, you could use the SS to remove him and replace with a teammate with purify as an out. Or set her up with a teammate with poison storm, and wipe out the whole team… but, y’know, then you’ve sleeplocked yourself.