In pve he seems pretty good tbh
He could easily kill buffed mons with death sentence
The design Remembered me like azazel from tekken.
Double retribution damage with 5k attack is meh.
I will say:
Design s+
Skill s+.
Definitely s tier
And it’s combo with devil is gonna be
Need this type of design not like chary,obsy
It’s like grim fro summoner era
Well he is avg, more better combine with gear or the mythic with death sentence touch,
The thing i like more is it’s tag line
Lumimalus : it’s not a waifu
This moveset could be on a legendary imo. But it’s going to combo well with Arachnadiva and death sentence monsters! Definitely going to be valuable at least for PvE!
Look sir, seems like everyone loves this kind of art (not waifu).
It’s not a waifu so let’s give him total trash moveset. Great job devs.
Propably one of the worst SS we have in the game.
great design, I love it, congratulations, but the set of movements for pvp is not so great (opinion) it will be very useful for pve, this time I’m not going to wake him up, I’m going to wait to see how it works and if it’s possible to deny his revenge ( I think so, we greatly appreciate the reduction in paid gems, but I still think it should be implemented in all banners, not just the new mythical ones.
It is also weak to payback killer, very low speed, no immunities or protections other than sizeable defence.
The water slayerbane death revenge girl > this monster
She has tits dont you understand?? Tits always OP!!
Sarcasm aside, I rlly hope more GOOD non waifu mons come
Her Clothes are Ripped
That’s the first thing I thought since I have isoldelle on my priority list, although I want to help the game in these discount banners but the move set is too poor
Amazing design. A worse Isoldelle but can be a strong combo mythic. Also a big plus for it to be a (1-stage off) tanky mythic that is not weak to man-eater