Lemon’s tips for dealing with full Mythic teams 🍋 Intermediate to Advanced.

Hi all! :lemon:

I just wanted to share some quick tips to help players who feel overwhelmed when playing against Mythic stacked teams.

  1. No killer weakness frontlines.

Avoid anything weak to killer moves for protect, Sleep, Toxic, Stun, Chrono etc and you will automatically create deadweight. Scarley, Shadowyrm, etc will all give you an instant advantage because they’ll do nothing. Obviously if you’re going all in on a sleep or poison strategy etc, then ignore this rule, but if you’re not, try to avoid adding unnecessary weaknesses and look for alternatives.

  1. Piercing.

Against the big scary whales, piercing is key!! :key: It ignores defence. Much of their advantage will come from defence boosts, shields or just higher stats in general. If you have a load of piercing, it will level the playing field a bit more. Turn on the piercing filter and see what you have and build around that. Scary monsters like Vixenblade, Charybdia, cobalted XYZ, Bridlith etc are a lot less scary.

3. Use multiple combo enablers.

When you’re making a team that relies on synergy and combinations, consider having an enabler in both the frontline (in my case Jaguardian) AND in 5th (Arachnodrake). This puts the opponent in a difficult position because they can’t sit and do nothing to play for time and they can’t kill a monster like without playing into your hand anyway.

4. Monsters that work alone AND combine.

Synergy is generally when you’re combining 2 or more monsters to improve their output. There are plenty of monsters that offer this, but also work standalone too. For example if Suikensenshi, Jaguardian etc get knocked back or repulsed, they can still work alone and be effective elsewhere in the team. However combined, they’re even stronger. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to have one or the other. Monsters that are too situational can be easily knocked somewhere else in the team and cause problems.

5. Multi-lock mid games.

Generally speaking you want to use your mid game to regain control of the game. Spread your bets on this. Don’t feel like you have to go all in on sleep, stun or tokens etc. You might find that it’s more effective to mix it up. For example, if a stun absorber is up to 300+ secs, it’s out of the game. All you need is anything else to sleep and now it’s 2vs4. Throw in a shell here and there and it’s pretty much game over.

6. If you’re not going to spread purify and stun protection throughout the team, get creative and find an alternative!

For example, Arachno can use toxic thirst to wake up sleeping monsters or kill shells. The opponent wouldn’t expect it. Plume and Soral could pull back. Soral could sacrifice. Persephia could rebirth and so on.

I hope it helps!

Good luck


Idk if 5 mythics and a carmilla counts as an intermediate or not bit great guide

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I would like to see you make teams on other accounts, I’m sure you can come up with fun and unique things.

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You are on point sir , great tips for those who are struggling against p2w or simple meta players

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Not true it can still do something if you’re using fast non killer weakness things with sonic strike. Statement it can do “nothing” is false.

Thanks for the tip it was helpful

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Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

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Intermediate refers to skill. Not account size. Otherwise my tips would be get more mythics. With the shrine it’s common that players have several myths though. Most are shop myths other than Carmilla

Thank you :blush: I actually had a different account before this one. It was F2P and built from scratch. Using that account, I became the first F2P player to get the rainbow icon (which was top 10 five times). Joint second player over all to get it. Over time I’ve created a ton of strats that have been taken on by a lot of players. Such as:

Rock lock - nerfed
Haniwel life flip frontline - nerfed
Canni Titan retreat into roaring Heal all /Cannibalise
A popular Twiggy FL that got nerfed
A popular cannibalise, single stun revenge, Stun counter FL - got nerfed
Hellfox Team Turn - nerfed
A 90 speed Thlug give turn FL
Sneak attack shadow
Sneak attack water

There are loads of others but I can’t remember now. I used to change team each season.

One of my favourite teams ever was a Tagosenshi link Holy frontline :heart: It was my first top 10 :face_holding_back_tears:


True! Does nothing in this example, but I’ll take it out for clarity.

Amazing achievements.
I’ve been in this game for about 3 years and I’m a big fan of you, KD and WRO clan.


Nice man! Keep it going! How far have you got in PvP?

Top 20 was the best.
I don’t have time to rank even so I have achieved some top 50, lately a friend is the one who plays rank (he is incredibly bad player) but he does the best he can.

Yeah I know the feeling. I used to love ranked but I just don’t have the time to commit anymore.

I am run haze team very long time. I think almost 6 season. and I give up after they release NYX , prixis, and get bullied by my other clan member bcoz the keep making counter for me (catt,glaci,joco, spectrofox in FL at same time).

I think this deck go well this season ,after kattamnder nerf and joco dragon also in limit 1.

Anyway thx for sharing. I would love If u make more “cheap team” :sweat_smile:. Since it seem like “I used myth to destroy myth” in your case.

well thats by bad for misunderstanding but that creates another issue. what you can run and what you cant deal with are all limited to your collection. not everyone has the tools to deal with what is being run in the meta, be it run poison ends, char, or sleep nor have the tools to make a good overall team. some people can have good skills but their collection limits them to run what to run hence why they suffer. i witnessed players who impressed me with their decision making but lacked a good collection to maximize their abilities and players whose accounts where blessed but are lacking when it comes to pvp.
also those arent shop mythics, these are standard pool mythics

@LemonSqueezy im curious to know how many you have awakened

Good to see DELU in action in pvp, good teams bro

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Duck here, sobered up and back from my two week ban. (RIP roadkill) @LemonSqueezy this is a cool guide you have, now make one for dealing with 6-9 mythic teams.

Why they ban you :sweat_smile: