Latest update reset my account

So dissapointed!

Last time i updated the game, save file corrupted message keep showing. I reinstalled and recovered with my code.

This time i installed the latest update, that even deleted my account.

Updates are s*ck :frowning:

Same problem, but I did found a way to fix the save error in 1.3.8, I email them and used my restore code once it was re-enable, but verison 1.3.9 downloaded automatically and my progress was erased, I email them once more, got re-enable my code again, I used it but the game doesn’t load. Wow way to go!!!

Nvm…Just solved the problem bro. In order to log into the game just turn off you internet connection, close and re-open your game. You can turn back on your internet once you have enter the game. That worked for me, let me know if this doesn’t work for you