Is there any other way to get legendary Monsters without opening eggs?

So, I know there’s Noxar, and I got him, but I certainly need more legendaries. Is there any other way except for eggs? I got gems, but I plan on using them for ultra evolutions. Is there any other monster except for Noxar that is legendary and can be found in the wild? Thank you!

chronox although its in a online mission

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Yeah you can catch a goldtail on the northern tip of Island 2. Supposedly, some people have obtained a goldtail there with a 0.001% spawn rate.


Got him as well. Thanks for telling me on the other side. I caught him early, but I need starskies to evolve him and I’m only on the 7th day of playing ;-;

time for pain

Oh no

@Arkhalis sorry that was a joke that was going around in the forum for a few years. You can’t catch a goldtail in the wild.

What you should do is try to evolve the starters into their super epic version by catching them in the online section and getting moaliths from the special ingredient section (the special ingredient missions rotate so you can get two moaliths each month). The super epic versions of the starters are actually better than chronozeros so you should focus on getting them.


Oh. Thanks. By the way, do you know where is the “First Ones” battle section located at, I can’t find it…

Go to the online section, click story missions, story events, and then you’ll see a part that says “The First Ones.” It’s been a while since I’ve played them but you will want to go through a good portion of the offline story and story missions before trying these events.

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