Is it just me or...

Stasis for the cyberwyrm kinda sucks every time I use it It just makes things worse maybe I’m using wrong or at the wrong times but for my team setup it’s just plain dodo pardon my French :slight_smile:
Any tips plz?

It’s great. Just don’t wake them up by spamming AOEs, unless said AOE is going to take out 2 arks, like an army move

Stasis for the cyberwyrm kinda sucks every time I use it It just makes things worse maybe I’m using wrong or at the wrong times but for my team setup it’s just plain dodo pardon my French :slight_smile:
Any tips plz?

How did you normally use it?

I rarely use stasis. I find it much more useful to just take there arks out with time strike. Usually a OHKO.

Stasis is incredibly good. I often put arks that have stun skin under stasis then use army wind, as it wont kill the stun skin. You could also put all three arks to sleep with a stego/cyber/angelon (frowned upon) then use terrorfish’s endbringer. If an enemy vortexor is going to go before your vortexor or gremknight, you can put it under stasis then banish or knock it back.

I use it on the strongest ark but then so thing from its team wakes it or I have to use massacre from plasmorex (I have a lot of multi hit move arks) or the Tus passes and it wakes up… Tips on how to fight w/ it not against it plz.
Thx for the tips lyrux
That’s pretty much what I do tony.

Getting stasised is never fun trust me i fought a cyberwyrm summoned by a gargoyle and it constantly used stasis

Well, like someone above said, dont spam AoE’s like massacre, and just use chain moves or strong single target moves and take out single arkadions. Much more effective.

Thx guys for all the help now I’m owning with cyberwyrm, nilox, and the blockadious fusion guy!