We need more than only 100 trainingspoints …so Devs Increase it to 200 or more…



been asking for that for ages

Burn the whole training system and bring back battle-specific XP like in Hunter Island. Makes so much more sense. And you would actually have to use your monster to evolve it.


That’s why it’s a bad thing. I think training sessions make it easier

Agreed. I didn’t play Hunter Island mich but Dragon Island Blue was similar and I miss that system! The training points/sessions don’t make as much sense to me as evolving through experience, but maybe training points are more efficient in the end? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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training points are good, they help people like me evolve their monsters. just increase the cap.

Training points are a better way for the devs to sell monsters.

Its a different spirit to the game.

In a classic RPG grind we will stab sleeping Greybeards in the back 10,000 times to grind to level 100 sneak.

But in a game like NM that is driven by buying new toys each week, the prospect of having to grind your new toy to its final form is too exhausting and people wouldn’t pay for the toys anymore.

I suppose it would also be way less accessible to new players who havent spent 10 hours killing seaspines to get a full legend roster.

On the other hand, though, it would balance the F2P v P2P dynamic a lot more.

I wish the game was designed in a more classic RPG way as thats what I prefer, and what makes way more sense to a story, but I guess its just not what this game is about.

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