I'm annoyed

Is it just me or does the opponent’s monster always seem to do more damage to you
If you use the same monster as your opponent and they always do more damage to you and why are opponents monster so bulky in a battle.
Like take the fish with poison gas for example i used gigadusk from my necrowing and it survived not to mention my necrowing was ultra evolved.
Does anyone get annoyed like me

Yeah my ultra evolved omegasdragon get one shot by a tiamad which isn’t ultra evolved and I can’t one shot it when omega has better stats then it and there the same element

If the enemy had the same stats as us, this game would be too easy.

Yes but this was in the tower tournament for me

The tower tournament had mons which were even more buffed than the ones in the offline chapters. My shadowrym needed 4 times of protector killer to kill off a esapizeron at floor 135.

Haha I bet the poison fish you’re talking about is the puffoxin in the dev challenge. Focus on the other monsters and let the puffoxin kill itself so you don’t trigger the revenge attack. It’s also the weakest monster that’ll appear in that fight, so it pays to leave it alone.