i hate you all

just kidding, but it got you in here. i miss you guys. i’ve been busy with work, went from NM to CA then my truck broke down in NV. i miss having time to do whatever i wanted. but whatever, i had time to work on timing. i could make kenny (AKA CRYSTAL) jealous with my 'stash of gold… bwahahahahah.

haha real life comes first glad to have you back :slight_smile:

I smirked at the title


Timing? Stash of gold? Enjoy it while you can… ;>

Haha, jk. Sort of. I’m pretty sure they’re going to erase timing, but you’re still going to keep the rewards. 

Sorry to hear your truck broke down, by the way. :frowning:

let’s just say that while i was on the road i had ALOT of time to play the game with no access to internet, so i was timing everything i had… i made over 2m gold. yeah… just sayin, i was BORED. but thanks for the well wishes. tonight is night #3 in a hotel room.

The title is so misleading. XD Nice job buddy.

that was exactly my point. i havent been able to get on the forums, so i thought i’d rile everyone up then make them smile.

Haha, well I’m sorry about your truck man.

I doubt Crystal or Kenny will b jelly of your stash of gold…

crystal is kenny’s forum name, and jelly, no, impressed, probably.

Glad your back even know we haven’t met before, hope to see you around. Sorry to hear about your truck man hope everything gets solved at least you could play hunter island :smiley: .This title pulled me in lol so misleading.Thanks for cheering me up.