I finally got it!

I defeated Maggatsuoh. I’m playing for 6 months and I’m not a great player yet.

I’m feeling like a top player


Delugazar made wayyyy too quick work of him when I took it on lol. Bloodthirst with like 4 kills was enough to one shot him. Tbh feel kinda guilty about how easy he made it for me

What did you think about the plot @DMG_Anxag ?

Let other people define whether you’re a great player or not.

The plot is very engaging, some battles were too easy. The game could have more interaction, something like choosing between two options.

I mean did you notice any plot holes @DMG_Anxag ?

I guess you had to do the side missions/pay attention to the plot of the first ones to get what I’m alluding to, not to mention mythics being added to the neoverse :joy:

Yeah, some parts of the story are… Empty.