HP Boost - The truth behind it

Dude wtf

This is cursed.

The only ones who don’t see that this is going to destroy the whole balance of the game are the developers themselves. They do not realize that this does not benefit anyone, that everything stays as it was, period. So we were fine.

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Damn 100 days finished But I’m just having 10 ores

@Dev_VKC I do have a genuine question for you.

How this will help newcomers?

Let’s say someone wants to start playing Neo 1 year from now, he starts with 360 orbs less with no chance to catch up?


Damn, if only there were pvp brackets based on hero rank, and if only bond quest and doing daily challenge have you XP so you’d level up out of lower pvp brackets by the time you get 360 orbs


He will never catch up. Or may someday ores for sale

Did anyone HP boost yet or did I achieve 1st and 2nd?


Are you using gems to energy recharge?

Nah, he’s borrowing @Laxus’ unlimited tickets hack


It is the only way to do it

but precious gems

But you get almost every gem back from the rewards as well

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As Unown said, you get gems back from the runs. However, it’s best done if you’re high hero rank because then you get more tickets for each gem.

Assuming you’re close to max HR and can get 190 tickets per gem (from 187+ you’ll fill up to 190 while doing auto-play) it’s exactly 10 gems to do levels 1-80 (1900 tickets). You get back 8 gems and 2x small nectar (equivalent to 1 gem) so that’s 10 gems spent and 9 gems returned… 1 gem per SE MBQ to lvl 80.

The 100 ores for an HP boost is 100 gems, not too extreme. However, that’s obviously only the most efficient way so it requires almost max HR. The cost increases dramatically if you’re not that high. For example, HR 260 you’ll be spending 200 gems and below HR 200 you’ll be spending 400+ gems. It also requires building a team that can reliably complete lvls 1-80 on auto-play, because doing 8000 battles for an HP boost takes way too much time (say it’s 1.5 minutes per battle, that’s 200 hours).

P.S. If you can’t tell, Unown and I figured this all out and have both been farming ores from MBQ. I’m a long way behind Unown but I’ll get there too. I’ve done 40/240 of them, meanwhile he’s on something like 160/240.


All this is well and fine but grinding like 150 bond quests is too big of an venture that I can’t even consider starting it.

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I am only grinding the megalo BQ to make him sparkle beyond that i really dont feel like doing this mega grind ahahaha

Yeah it’s a huge undertaking. I took a couple of days to talk myself into it. A big thing that made me go for it was hitting HR 300. It would take me ages to get there, but by doing this grinding I should hit HR 300 in about 8 months!

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Mythic-Bond gives higher rewards than Legendary-Bond, and that gives way higher rewards than Super-Epic-Bond.

Is there actually a notable difficulty difference in between the bond quests?

I like to thank the devs that they listen to the community and optimized the daily login screen with rotating artworks and changing quests and rewards :pray::pray::pray:

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They are all the same difficulty, it’s just to do with the level. Every 10 levels they get harder.

I think they’ve actually become a bit harder with time. We seem to meet more mythics now in the higher levels. I thought the enemy random spawn was something like X% for SE, Y% for legendary, Z% for mythic but maybe it randomly picks from all SEs, legs and myths so as the number of mythics increases proportionately to the others then we’re meeting more mythics on average.

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