How do you find a stair FAST!!!!

Any tips of how to find stairs in a cave quick?

OM - it’s random.

Infinity dungeon & all other dungeons in HI - When you go down the stair, the next stair would always be in one of the tiles to your right. Do not waste time going to your left.

That’s what I can think of for now…

It’s usually all the way to the right, my strategy is to go into every room without monsters to see if I’m lucky or not

There was one dungeon, I think in the volcano, in which one of the stairs were at the left (to go up, I mean).

I would visit all the rooms in all directions that are closest to where you start off. that way you can see more rooms quickly than going one direction only. Thats what i do when I test the mission anyway :wink:

I would go to all areas without arkadions, and when I’ve done that, I go to the arkadion that seems to have the most squares behind it.

that’s an exception…

wat OM was that?

The one in story mode with vulcarex I believe

I do it on Ipad this afternoon and it’s on the right too.

To all the people : the OM isn’t on the right or left, it’s possible to be in all direction !

i’ve found that they generally are to the right, though it annoys me that unlike DIB you can’t see the stairs from other squares if you have enemies between you and it.