Help the NM forum and wikia

I thought it would be a good idea to add two new topic categories on the forum homepage (where topics are regrouped, like “Neo Monsters General Discussion”).

  1. A “Forum” category where we could report the problems we encounter on this forum, or suggest some ideas to improve the forum working.
  2. A “Neo Monsters Wikia” category. It will make it easier to edit the NM wikia wich is missing a lot of informations and files. That way several people could help improving the wikia together, asking for files and infos to the devs or the community, telling where informations are missing, reporting bugs, etc…

Personally, I think all of that would help the devs and the community, make the game informations easily accessible, and make the NM wikia and forum more welcoming :slight_smile:
Please share this post and tell your opinion bellow !

There did used to be a pinned topic for the wiki, but I guess someone took it down.

I’m gonna have much more time starting from next week and I’m planning on updating the wiki… A thread about it would be helpful

Sorry I was missing vocabulary as I’m FR, by “topic category” I (think) I meant a thread.

The devs could simply reward people who added a certain amount of (quality) information to the wiki with a legendary monster. The Wiki would be completed within days :smiley:

Yup to clarify, there is a thread for development of the Neomonsters Wikia in this section of the forum and it used to be pinned. However, there was no interest and no action on the thread for months so it was unpinned during a forum-wide clean up.

In terms of issues you have on the forum, the best way to make us aware of these is to tell us. Currently I’m unaware of any existing issues on the forum but do please either contact one of the moderators or, if it’s just due to users’ posts, using the report button will suffice :slight_smile:

If anyone would be interested in updating all the newest legendairies on the wiki, I can share screenshots from all of them. But I’ve been wondering, wouldn’t it be handy if we made a pinned topic with screenshots of all the monsters (or only legendaries to start) here on the forum? A bit like the current tier lists?
I think if you have a screenshot of the stats screen, the moves screen and the moves explanation screen, you don’t need a lot more.

Sounds like a good idea