Health and XP

I think it would be nice if each ark could have a bar showing it’s XP and it’s health. When you click on a monster to be able to see it’s stats, etc., the health and XP bars would fit perfectly under the abilities and to the left of the evolutions.

I think this would be beneficial to players so we can see how close an ark is to leveling up, or how close it is to 0 heath.

I hope this is a good idea!

Actually, when you go to your bench to get your arks, it shows a percentage as to how close that ark is going to evolve

And the health bar is already shown in the battles.

No it wouldn’t be an evolution bar, it would just be an XP bar, just to see when a monster would level up, not necessarily evolve.

That would come in handy :smiley:

Health bar would definitely be useful to be seen outside of battle. I’ve lost a few arks in the ID due to not healing the correct ones because there were the same grade and couldn’t differentiate between them.