Having trouble finding random PvP opponent


Anybody else having trouble? Mine just seems to hang there with “waiting for opponent” and after a while it just returns me to town.

I tried advice from the other post - force close HI, logout/login GC, restart HI, wait for GC msg to show up above… 

sadly no dice :frowning:

This is gonna sound crazy and it probably has nothing to do with anything but I noticed over the last few days if I tap the screen anywhere (except the cancel button obvi) it launches me into a battle when I tap. I realize how rediculous this sounds but I swear it has either worked or been an uncanny coincidence a few times in a row. Can’t hurt to try right?

Thought I was the only one who did that :laughing:

Lol I tried… still no luck… where are you guys? I am in Toronto, Canada… wondering if location has to do with anything.


Im from germany and I nearly never find someone! That sucks :frowning:

Just try it over and over again, that’s how it works for me. I’m in virginia