Good cheap 0 to 3 star monsters/combos?

since we can’t stack a team of epics and legendaries like we could in the past island games, what cheap monsters are good for the in between? Anybody have any good combos to use? I had some success stacking my Don Penguini with a bunch of cheap lightning monsters in the beginning due to the assisted element attack. I don’t have a poison massacre monster, but i put a few cheap poison revenge monsters in front of my hellataur for some poison attack goodness.

You can do eventually. You need to do the online missions.

Chillqueen (2 stars) has 2200 attack and dreamhunt
Rosaqueen (3 stars) has 2700 attack and dreamhunt

Both are fantastic.

Megalorex and Infernowyrm are 3 stars with 2700 attack. Megalo uses one on one and reckless assault and inferno uses time strike and attack boost. Both great

Seasteed, Mammut, Thunderhoof, and goldenhorn are also good three stars

You find all of them.

Redgaroo is pretty good. His attack right now is 3045 at level 26 attack. 3 star that turns to 4 star on ultra.

Also, Leobolt, the 4th evolution from that monster you catch in the beginning, is surprisingly good. Especially with his stunning entrance passive.

I’ll add some others I’ve found if I can remember them.