Fun Facts

Spider’s don’t have muscles, instead they rely on a form of hydraulics in their legs caused by blood pressure to move.  

Okay I’ll stop.

It’s a budgie and not an african gray that holds the record for knowing the most words

interesting fact fear of pantophobia is (not fear of pants) fear of everything

the original version of the bible is actually 72 different books and if was written out as a king jame bible it would weigh an average of 12 lbs

I can read a page of a book (12 size font) in under 15 seconds and comprehend everything an hour later


There’s a 1/Quintilian(really high number) to get a perfect bracket

I have a B.A. in Chemistry and a B.A. in Biology, and I thought this was cool when I saw it in the game.  The Volvoxon Arkadion is actually based on an organism known as Volvox aureus.  They are single-celled green algae that form colonies in the shape of balls inside a hollow sphere.  They resemble plants because they have a separation of labor, but they are actually individual organisms capable of living independently of each other.  That’s why I think it’s even cooler that Volvoxons are obtained by fusing four Volvon in the game, just like nature!



^psshhh I knew that :stuck_out_tongue:
Is B.A. A type of diploma?

Goats have accents

Yeah.  Bachelors degree.


Did you know that originally high heels were for men?

lol xD Wow