fake description for Galliodragon's double stunstrike

will discuss with the team on this matter!

He would be good if you could use that sun strike once it is his turn. He would be a good opening monster. Maybe lessen the stun to 50 TU or 75. He would be a legend form of galvbane t pretty much. He would be good and still have weaknesses. It would make him a lot more viable.

Actually he doesn’t. But he still suvks for the exact same reason, which is that he cannot do lethal damage by himself. Dolphin had to kill one of your monsters to kill theirs, which is arguably worse

well, at least dolphin can kill enemy with shocking entrance help, but this guy can not kill anything with any help

yea thanks Ryan!

Found it! And thank you developer Ryan

is there anything new about it .

The drake sucks really. Its my only legendary

why is he beeing discussed and nebel and astradragon keep beeing useless.

Nebil is far from useless it’s one of the best pve monsters in the game

Indeed he his, cant count how many times nebil saved my ass in pve :smiley:

I think it would be better if his double stun strike was a sacrifice move.

is there something new about this guy?

Nebel should have another kit more relevant than just be there to die… That’s just my opinion tho

Im newly got cosmo and im fine with it :joy::joy:
Just hate when 1 hp illusion hit by autopoison

Um, protector?

You can’t rely on him as a protector becuse he will die so quick and he also don’t have purify or stealth so he’s not a very good protector

Rafa, why so negative? I have cosmodragon and I must thank him a lot because he saves me in much situations. It’s a “fake” protector, so he would die more quickly than a real protector but his aim is mainly to do death revenge, so the enemy is obliged to have one of his monsters (randomly, not the one that he wants) died if he kills him. And if you have Atrahsis ( I want him so bad) the combo will be destructive.

I’m not trying to be negative, I just think Nebel and Cosmodragon should have another set of skills, I feel like they are only usefull for the Ultimate Challenge with their actual set of skills

I didnt know if i can pass to 291 without my cosmodragon

It’s ok, I only don’t agree with you. I think their skillset hasn’t got problems, but it’s perfect for their final aim.