Extend ranked pvp rewards

Hi devs, was wondering since you are extending the pvp session for another 7 days, could you extend the pvp rewards for ranked matches as well, i played as much as i can during the weekend and only managed to kill 227/300 monsters its so hard to get 300 kills over a span of 2-3 days especially when our weekends get busy. Since the rank rewards have already been issued, i think it wouldnt be unfair for you to allow kills to still count for the progression of the f.d rewards, what do you think

The reward was for kills during the ranked period. Ranked period for the current season has ended. They opened PvP now just to let people play PvP during this period between the seasons.

I am sorry for you but we cannot do that. The monster reward is during the ranked only and it is not fair for the users who played the game hard over the weekend.

This monster will feature again in other events. You always have chance to obtain it.

Thank you for understanding.

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Can you consider extending the ranked session by a few days or a week? One weekend is not enough for people who have plans for the one weekend that ranked is active. Just a suggestion

I mean for future rank seasons

Doesnt make sense that you change the system from what used to be rank rewards to a grindfest on 1 weekend and then force players who are unable to get the reward to spend 100 gems or wait months for a balancion trials to have a chance to obtain that monster @Dev_VKC