Expectations for update 2.54

New Update 2.54
Correction of errors and significant changes :white_check_mark:
Sound :white_check_mark:
The game’s music has been changed to a classic duel/war music between master trainers. Voices have been added to waifus such as Carmilla, Majorie, Medbie, Bastia, Gremoris, Gabriel, Aoi, Momo. Present in your profile for greater experience and interaction Trainer/monsters✅
Animations :white_check_mark:
A new experimentation technique has been employed in the animations of the Neo monsters excluding the flirtatious waifus from the game for greater enjoyment in battle. :white_check_mark:
Quality of views :white_check_mark:
Fixed bugs such as monster patches✅
Voice channel :white_check_mark:
A chat/voice channel has been added so that players can chat within the game without needing to use external applications to interact with each other.:white_check_mark:
Clan integrations into the game through your profile :white_check_mark:
Given the vast number of users that Neo Monsters currently has, the initiative has been taken to enter clans into the game (permanent clans), so users will have a plan 3 days to choose your Nick according to your clan in detail since once your Nick is set it will prevail forever :smiling_face:.:white_check_mark:
Clan integration liar :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
The heads of each existing clan must write the initials of each clan in the forum / thread of the same the Nick of their clan after 1 day the deadline is closed (no clan created after this will be taken taken as existing) :warning:players who try to create another clan during this period will be penalized
Then the clan names are entered and a period of 1 day is given for the players to choose their Nicks according to their clan, after that period the players’ Nick will be blocked permanent :white_check_mark:
During this 3-day period, players who have already had their nickname change penalized will be able to change their nickname again :white_check_mark:
Monsters and new skills added :white_check_mark:
Bugs in battle fixed :white_check_mark:

Update size: 670 MB


Someone got high on grass.


An idea for each player to express their opinions and how to improve the atmosphere in Neo @Dev_VKC The Neo community of players themselves are already bored of opening the Neo and listening to the same music, so creating an environment like Evertale’s battle aspect would be a unique experience in this game, we players need to be heard by our developers, great ideas are given to achieve something great sacrifices are needed and Neo monsters is a game capable of achieving Great things because almost the entire world likes this magnificent game and the reality is that it has been thrown away and once again thank you for creating this incredible and great game :smiling_face::heart:


I haven’t taken drugs, but I’ll ask you a question, rich boy. Are you willing to see a change in the game you spend thousands of dollars on?

I am just a realistic person. Some of those seem pretty out there and I know they won’t happen anytime soon. LOL

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As he said, neo has everything that can make it to top game in world. But Dev’s are lazy, I think game should be relaunched and make as friendly as possible for newcomers with all the old accounts transfered. Useless game like zenshin are dominating idk why.


Rich people justify F2P for not spending mo.ney when F2P wants Neo Monsters to improve and be a big game no matter how much mon.ey it takes

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You know one thing Coltraz, because of nonsense like you say, many games like Mobile Legend have reached the level of fame they have currently had.

And concept wise or in many aspects neo is better than ml or zenshin or most games that becomes unplayable after few months mainly gatcha.

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Exactly bro, a game with that potential like Neo Monsters can’t fall so easily, that’s why it’s time to give ideas and opinions, no newborn child is born knowing how to run, the child first has to that crawling and then running, mistakes help us improve, According to coltras they are crazy ideas, because @Coltraz My friend, I remind you that before that account you had a lower number of calides than this one and well, look what they have made you into today in a top 1, so don’t talk about perfection that even you yourself You made mistakes in games that made you improve, so it must be the same with Neo, @Dev_VKC We want to take Neo to the top of fame so that everyone can see that it is a great game.

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Just a small change in each update. Like now introduction of lore doesn’t upgrade game in my view but a clan system can make much difference.

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In my opinion, the developers should have put more seriousness on a game that is dying for lack of creativity and ideas, they should have improved many aspects and everything said above is very good and I totally agree to see if there is a little more motivation and they leave the rewards miserable and value more the time of their players whether they are p2w or f2p to maintain a cordiality and harmony in the community of NEO MONSTER

All players who have been there for a short time know that COLTRAZ is a spoiled and crying child, that I also took the opportunity to congratulate him on his top 1, it was about time, but that does not mean that he has clear ideas of what the game needs because he only spends and spends independently of the rest and we are not talking about the criteria of a single player, but of an entire community that needs to see improvements in both rewards, fortune accounts, visual aspects, events, we need urgent changes to make this community one of the best in the world

correction: expectations for update 3.0.0

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Neo monsters 2, Electric Boogaloo

Devs often advise us to reinstall Neo when bugs occur. Imagine if that still happened when the neo size could be 1,5 Giga or more.

then the Clan system haha, we already know the drama that happened 1 month ago.:sweat_smile:

In my opinion, it’s better for Dev to take small steps for beginner players, such as Guarantee 1 copy of Myth or 1 legend for beginners, for example 6 elemental Phoenix. When I just created an account, this feature is still there but only for paid gems.

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this bug occurs because the devs not give maintenance to the game as is because I play in a virtual space and I have 2 Nm my data download each weighs 2gb the process of download from 0 is as 500 MB each event add several tens of MB and are events after that runs is that storage used data useless as same download the game should delete them when are not required

All I’ll say is that you have crazy expectations.