Duplicate monsters but of different evolution. What to do?

Hi i am a newbie have been playing for the past 4 to 5 days.

So i know that if you get duplicate monsters they turn into bonus.

But I have one Galvaboss and one Galvabit (pic attached below and marked in red and magenta)

They are the same monsters but of different evolution, it hasn’t been added as bonus to my Galvaboss.

Do i have to evolve the Galvabit to get +1 bonus or it evolving won’t help at all and I should just delete him?

Some monsters don’t add to each other’s bonus, so you’ll need bonus potions to speed them up.

Monsters that you capture, starters, ingredients and Bitterbeast are those that come to mind.

So Galvabit can’t be evolved and added to Galvaboss so he’s of no use right?

He does have a use.

To Ultra Evolve Chronozar you’ll need a copy of every starter, so just like that a copy will one day go to him. Plus you still might want to consider keeping a 4 star copy of the starters for strategies such as Canishogun’s Underdog.

There are only 2 cases in which your monsters will not be fused: the starter labyrinth, and any monster you catch on the islands. This prevents you from being able to just farm duplicates for free so you’d have bonuses on tons of strong and/or utility monsters without having to get potions(the six trial epics are the exception, but the devs seem to have overlooked them simply because they’re not THAT useful overall)

Gary’s gonna preach about galvbane


But you don’t have a galvbane, you should probably get yourself one of those :grimacing:



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Called it


The timing was impeccable, we must be in the same time zone @NMEduck

Also thank you for using the word “preach”

Yes buddy working on it

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Didn’t know anything about potions until now, read about it in forum, still am confused as it said to use them in initial stages before your monster goes to last evolve stage

Will check for a youtube video which explains with visual so will understand better. If u know one plz send the link in this thread

I don’t know any youtube tutorials for NeoMonsters. @Killerdog might though, he’s kind of the tutorial guy around here.

As far as potions go though, some monsters like Chronozar, the starters and some of those monsters you catch in the dungeons while exploring the islands, have some ultra evolutions that are separate from their initial stages in the form of rarity.

For example when looking at an unevolved Chronozar the game should say “super epic”, while really the monster has 6 stars in his last evolution, meaning it’s a legendary. That means that you can buff him with 5s potions instead of 6s ones, which are more common.

So give potions to chronox when he’s 5 star so that I don’t have to give 6 star potions.

Noted. Plz help me with 2 more queries. (one posted here and one in a new msg)

Who should I save the potions I currently have 5 star potions for?

Initial 4 monsters or chronox?

Hi members sorry to disturb so much I am a newbie so still learning a few things have made quite some mistakes already so don’t wish to make more.

What should I do I have 2 infernym both are of almost same stats. I thought duplicate monsters become +1 bonus, these both haven’t (screenshot attached below)

Initial 4 monsters just need 4s potions, but they are good target for those.

Just so you know though, Chronox and the starters need themselves to ultra evolve, so make sure you use unpotted copies to do so. You can find extra copies online.

This has been answered before already, read Lucrayzor’s reply.

Yes, this is only the case for a few monsters… ones which evolve into a different quality monster. There are a few on the Islands which turn into a 5*, the starters which can become 5* and chronox that starts as a 5* and turns into a 6*. If you use potions on them before turning them into a higher quality then it uses the lower quality potions.

All the normal monsters don’t have this. For example, any legendaries you hatch from eggs will take legendary potions while in their first/second form.