Dungeon challange. Where are you?

It would be great if we could make a build my team for these dungeon things. They require a whole different type of team.

Good idea, same for PvP.

I reach 64 with my frontline compose with alpha and 3 desperate double ( gaia, pegassiah, blythwyrm). I got a bad match up at 64 right before the boss and lost my frontline, I switch it with zephy and three other desperate double ( had nightrider too if needed). They are really nice since they’re fast and have purify.

Just finished 72. Prolly hit 80 and stop

I’m up to 52 when I got instant deathed by a rexo tyrant using only a godfeather

Just hit 80, might go for the gems now but probably not worth the time.

Life flip self/ life flip all.

Only have godfeather. Haniwel dies too easy.

trying to beat floor 50…2nd time that I encounter 16 battles before the end of the stage!!

How is it possible?! It took me almost 1h to get through that!!

90, not an anti last biter team. The last time i got to 90 and couldnt beat 100z going for it this time round.

What team are you running?

It don’t matter what team you run its just luck

Team consist of DD and shock entrance, 3 dd and 1 last biter follow by 3 shocking entrance. Get till 55 and wiped all my monsters. Left with last biter and cleared al the way to 90.

Lochi is right, its all luck. I tried for 1 day. Got lucky to clear 90. Attempting 100 now

Just got a lucky run without facing kamiwrym/darkwrym until 80’s boss, and got the 2nd 6-star potion with only aegis dragon dead

I’m not very good at these. Not sure if I’m just useless at thinking of a good strategy, or if my team’s just not strong enough. I’m level 73 and I’m loaded with super-epics, but I don’t have any legendaries which makes it difficult. My team is as follows:

1x Desperate Double

2x Timestrike/Bloodcravers

2x Team Turners

3x Poisoners

2x Protect Focus

3x Protect/Sleepkillers

2x Sleep/Bloodthirst

3x Heal Alls

1x Assisted Wave

1x 400s Megabomb

1x Stun Flash/Survivor

1x Unwanted Friend

1x Protector

Plus the event ones (Cryo, Blitz, Shino, Vilegear, Galvbane, Gearcroc, Canis).

At the moment I just go Hydro, Cryo, Gearcroc and Seahowl, protect with Cryo, AoE with Hydro and then switch in Glacierback and Esapizeron when Cryo’s HP is down to the red, where I desperate double. When he goes down to last stand (usually a couple of fights later), I move in Atlanti and play with fire a bit until I decide to heal all. Then rinse and repeat. It’s not the greatest of strategies but I don’t know what else to do. I have several Healers in my team to chuck in when everyone’s getting low, and Gearcroc’s Risky Heal helps (sometimes).

I managed to grind through to 40 last time, but I’m on 25 this time and already starting to struggle with my tactic. 

If your 400sec bomb is ultra evolved try something like this. First start off with your desperate doubler, cryogolem, a monster that can life flip self if you have one (if you don’t just put a cost 1 mon there) and your bomber.

First life flip all with the bomber and take out the first enemies with desperate doublers. When you finished them switch zephy and alphagear from the end of your team with bomber and life flip selfer (if 1 cost monster place at the end for throw).

Now you have two desperate doublers at 1 HP at your front line and two team turners. This should get you easily to at least floor 50 :wink:

Thanks, will give it a try.

My only questions:

  1. What’s the purpose of the life flip selfer in this strategy? I think the only ones I have of those are the 3* general ones.

  2. What happens when I run into monsters who are quicker than my desperate doublers, or have hold ground, and knock my 1hp desperate doubles out?

Edit: Having given this ago, it helps the tedium massively. Much more enjoyable going through the earlier levels now.

Downside - as I feared - is the quick, hold grounders - tied in with Cryogolem’s slightly lower speed (7). Third battle in, Necrodrake (?) had a go between my Desperate Doublés, and used an AoE to reduce both to 1HP (they were just above as I’d been hit by an AoE before using Life Flip All in the first battle). About four battles later, and the grass starter also sneaked in between my two Doublés, and Last Standed Pegassiah. As it was only floor 27 though, I was able to negotiate through to 30 with just Cryogolem, Heal Allers and Life Flip All again to get up from 1HP.

As I only needed the one Team Turner at this stage, I’ve decided I’m going to chuck Galvbane in at #4, who should be quick enough to go first and get a Stun Pulse in on any quick bastards. Hopefully 40 should be straightforward enough and I probably shan’t bother going much further at this stage with my limited team and lack of Last Biters (might get to 50 if this proves straightforward enough).

But it’s far more better than my previous strategy, so thank you a lot. :slight_smile:

Edit again: So for some reason it won’t let me use Stun Pulse against Necrodrake or Pegasion (who I’ve rather unfortunately come up against in one battle), as “you cannot use this against an enemy with protection from stun effects”. Is this a glitch? Neither of them have Stun Immunity. It worked later against Pegasion. Am I not allowed to use it off the bat? Nope, was allowed to use it off the bat next round. This is confusing. And inconsistent. I assume this is a mistake.

Theres a stun protector in the enemy line up that prevent u from using stun pulse.

That’s what I thought it might be too, but in this situation the other mons were two familiar ones that I knew didn’t have stun absorb. In a later battle I tried to use it when Gearcroc was in the line-up and Gearcroc stun-absorbed it, but it still let me use it.

It’s not stun absorb, it’s stun immunes on front line that breaks the move condition and won’t let you use stun pulse on anything until the immune guy is dead.