Draft PvP

Same a regular but instead of using our own monsters, we draft a team of sixteen monsters and then use them to fight other players and their drafted teams in real time. First draft is of sixteen monsters ( contains 4 or 6 legendaries, rest are SE and Epics). After that periodic random draws of six monsters.

It’s a cool idea, and I think it would be great, but is been proposed and here are the responses you’re in for:

“We already have this with Island Challenge”
“The servers couldn’t handle that kind of load”
“Then there would be know point in buying your own teams. This would ruin the devs revenue”

I was the one who proposed it and here are my counters:

How is it different from normal aside from the fact you use drafted teams

In IC the moms are buffed and this will be real time PvP testing your monster knowledge and team building

And let’s say I am a new player. This type allows me to play PvP without spending and if I get a monster in a draft that’s good in PvP say Delu then when it comes in egg I will definitely buy it

Yeah Pvp as is is based on how good monsters you have and what is your hero rank. A rank 200 player can match against sub 70 even though rank 200 has full team cost of 206 and sub 70 not. I think it would be a welcome change to encourage people to pvp more.

Luck based pvp? Lmao at people who never get legend drafts :joy:

i said that first draft gurantees 4 or 6 legendaries. of course the legends themselves are random. there can also be a redraw option