Dolphin is actually good now?

He finally got some loving, added protector killer and twin summon entrance. Not bad.

Same with soulstealer :slight_smile:

Yessir, I dont have either of the monsters but im sure people will be happy, and I know for sure Buckingham will be happy because I know how much that guy loves his dolphin haha

I just started putting young fruit into him for the first time ever lol

He’s actually good now, on his own nonetheless. With support he’ll be even better

Let’s move him up in tier list :wink:

YEA GO DOLPHIN. waiting for an omegamid to ultra evolve. leveled up him to 100% this morning :lol:

Dolph was my first Legendary! Boy was I bummed haha Not anymore!

I am currently sharing him in honor of the upgrade! They did a nice job with this update I think.

Done, along with a couple of other changes

you just barely fed his ■■■ lol
My dolphin has made the team now lol

Yup was focused on getting other monsters up

Yup! As my favorite monster aesthetically, I am quite happy about this too =D

Never would’ve guessed.