
… this maybe a noob question but I have a vizaguard, and i want to ultra evolve it. Problem is the recipe calls for a cryptamid. I have only seen these in speical events, and my team isnt strong enough to beat the challenge to get it. When u click on the cryptamid in the ultraevolve it says it shows up in speical evemts OR the Valley of Pyrimids is thos true because ive never gotten one out of the valley any ideas? If this os already a post im sorry.

They are just very rare in die Valley. Just keep on grinding

As my friend already said,they’re extremely rare,but that doesn’t mean you can’t find any,just keep trying.

THE DEVS should make MORE CRYPTAMID EVENTS AND REWARDS --> I have like 10 omegamids, 3 vorabook and 2 crownwalkers now WITH ZERO cryptamids

Dev should create an extra event so player could sell their unneeded stuff.for example each omega earn 1gem.

i got 11 cryptamid lol they keep dropping