Crowns/ Badges or Symbols

So I know there are crowns for making it into top 50, but I was thinking maybe we could add different type of symbols/ badges to each event we finish top 50 in. So a crown for UC, a different type of symbol for pvp, so on etc.We could have like a bar beneath our shared monsters pic to represent those achievements or something like that. Let me know if this is just madness, Lame, or BRILLIANT!


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ive never actually see a crown. so no comment from me. should also show battle history and ranking history for top players. as long as they havent cheated XD

I remember we asked for some different types of badges and stuff, like a silver crown or something like that, but they never did anything. It would be awesome to have like a Hall of Fame where you can collect badges and crowns


I still want a prestige. You get to HR200, you start over at first team cost and first main story level but keep your monsters.

Achievements relock so you can earn them again.

1 prestige you get the silver SE frame around your avatar. 2 prestige you get the rainbow legend frame around your avatar.



How many players are even at hero rank 200 though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Better yet. Who wants to grind to 200 again? Not me


sound like your trying to turn this into CoD lol.
To add to that, on prestige you should get a free 1 pack roll :wink:
and XP should be halved for all levels for prestige 1. if you thought it was long to get to 200, it will be twice as hard now :smirk:

What’s Call of Duty? :rofl:

But seriously once you have the legends it takes no effort to beat the main campaign and get your team cost back up. It would just give further purpose to the main campaign and let us get more rewards. And be totally optional.

ild take that option. only 80 more levels for me until i reach max, if 200 is max.

i might even get a crown by then. i came super close on the last event. was 500 or so … lol