Creating a new LINE noob friendly chat

First of all I am disappointed that one single guy was allowed to kick all new players which I have invited, who search for help. We all started as noobs and your behaviour is just immature @MonkeyDluffy. You proved again that this lounge chat is full of bunch of kiddies who are doing whatever they want. Congratulation little boy. You are a shame for this community.

That’s the reason why I create a new chat willing to help new players and I would be glad if some experienced players would join me and spare some time for those. We all started somewhere from zero.

My LINE ID: porterenjiin

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Well I would like to congratulate you on your new chat. :clap:

Second, I’m a little kid , and I am a shame to this community :joy::joy:
Do I look like I care?
I don’t hate you or anyone for that reason but the spam on lounge was too much, I don’t mind helping anyone but it is what it is.
Call me whatever you want to :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are a monkey…

Hey! You said we can call u whatever we want…


Yea I don’t mind lol,
Everyone calls me by that name :joy::+1:

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You are Akhi :new_moon_with_face:



Nah, he abrar. Anyway lock this thread, so useless

@Xyzencross the only one thing which is useless is your comment. This thread is for all new players and shouldn’t be locked. It has at least a task and a meaning compared to your troll comments and cries about balance

And do you even English? Lol IQ30

Oh boy I didn’t even attack you and here you are. You want advice? Go to the beginner megathread and study it well. Also this thread is useless as devs have no control over line chat, that’s the player base initiative to gather there. If you guys were kicked out then that’s the guys discretion and the devs have nothing to do with it and will have nothing to do it. Also my English communication skills are not for you or for anyone to judge, I ain’t competing in a spelling bee or something. Keep it nice, you lack manners based on your responses here, no wonder. I’ll leave it here. Mods/Devs, lock this thread.

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Why lock it unless you plan to further argue? I don’t see any reason to lock it

That’s not true, i was a new player and MonkeyDLuffy helped me and also Xyzencross.



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Next time write an entry in your diary how about that ? I enjoy to see how this Monkey and you like each other’s post. Well I tried to be at least helpful and spend free time to be helpful and productive. What have you done with your useless comments? Exactly: nothing. I have never told you that your English skills are for me or someone else. I just giggled about your comment. Is that not allowed ? Sorry if I made you mad.

I think you’ve made your intention clear. You want to help new players and nothing is wrong with that. If they’re interested they’ll PM you. This thread has served its purpose in getting the word out there.

This back and forth argument is unproductive and actually contradicts your claim of having productive intentions.

A Moderator should close this thread now…

@NMEGaryOak Please close this thread.


Look, there is no conspiracy theory against you,
What you’re doing is not happening for the first time, me from RAF, we have a clan just like that to help new players , and I’m sure you can find new players & a veteran to help you guys.
So goodluck man :+1:


Hahaha Gary :ok_hand:t2::joy:

&to the other guy using the name Z19Spirals plz change your name to something else :joy:

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Don‘t blame Enjin for being a helpful guy - his chat can be very useful for starters.
We all started without being a genius in NM.
And surely there isn‘t a reason to insult Monkey - he‘s a good guy too.

Thread served it’s purpose, and the dude who started it is being toxic. Locking.