Count lectors

Yeah I probably spent half hour figuring it out. Even when I figured out that I needed to kill 2 shells and eradicate the last it still took about about 10 goes to get the timing right and keeping another monster alive

got the 3rd one in 3 tries… I generally also stay away from forums… what is the fun of the challenge if you just read the solution.

Here are my video links of all 3 challenges, follow step by step.

they freeze halfway through.

Thank you for the 3rd explanation Lochi

Especially knowing if you can get the answer if you can’t figure it out.

Some people don’t have the time to keep trying, some people get some challenges and not others, some people have tried a lot of times and just can’t figure it out.

So I’ll say thank you to all the people who post helpful info to people who have no time or just can’t figure certain things out.

Maybe we could get a lock on a thread for people who actually contribute to certain topics on the forum tto help eachother.

Specific event threads after a certain number of posts or somthing like that.

For the people having trouble with the first challenge, here’s how I did it.

The first thing you realize is that, to kill the gaiarock quickly, you need to put it to sleep.  So, as soon as you get Bahamut’s turn (the lizard thing on your team) use swarm, which summons a TON of rockoids, which also have autoprotect.  Then, when it’s the bird’s turn, use sendback (which will put her as the next monster to come out when one of the rockoids dies…which will happen a lot because they have auto-protect).  That means the bird will activate dreamy entrance when it gets called in, which will put the Gaiarock to sleep.  Skip until you have the bird’s turn again (if Gaiarock wakes up before then…well, I’m sorry to say that you’re screwed.  So DO NOT WAKE UP GAIAROCK.  That means skipping until the bird is up again.  No attacking) and use it’s attack that puts sleeping foes at 1 hp (I forget what it’s called, but it should have the electrical sparks around it if Gaiarock is still asleep).  Now, hopefully, you’ll have one or your rockoids up next or maybe even Bahamut.  It doesn’t matter which one because either one can instantly kill the Gaiarock now.

How do i beat the 2nd one?

Wahab uploaded two videos of the last challenge. The first one was luck but the second one used the technique that is required.