Count Lector's Shadow Arena

I feel the two last are unusually difficult. I have a hunch of what to do on the second but I can’t figure out the exact steps. The third I have no idea what to do. Any help?
3rd challenge video link

2 was hard. Basically I knock back next straight away then stealth the give turner then give turn back to the sleep bomber. I then skipped all his moves until the poison revenger is out on enemy team and kill it with the auto protector. Then give turn back to auto protector and sleep bomb. I think I had used element irradiate aswell to kill the last bronzeshell. You then keep dream hunting and one will wake up before you can kill it with dreamhunt. You need to of used protect focus with canis and then canis just uses stealth on both monsters left as it has time to do it before getting attacked then you just finish it off with the fat give turner as its on half health from the element irradiate.

To do 3 I skipped turns straight away then accelerated then used stealth with posideon or whatever it’s called. Then just kept using dreamhunt to keep storm alive didn’t bother putting any to sleep and if I wasn’t gonna get chance to use dreamhunt then I used life flip all. Same again just kept using dreamhunt then I used stun bomb to bring atlanteon in. Only stuns the protector but it takes one monster off attacking you. Then if I wasn’t gonna get chance to use dreamhunt I used heal all with atlanteon and then I had 400sec bomb ready. I already had protector on hold ground at this point from dream hunts and attacks with grizzly. Used the bomb killed all except I think ventokaiZer?? Think he had hold ground. He used survivor on grizzy which stunned aegis then just put it to sleep with storm and dreamhunt

I can’t do the 1st help

1st done thanks to saul can’t seem to master the 2nd however tries following instructions above unsuccessfully…

Second was hard took me ages to figure it out and once I figured it out it still took me like 10 goes to actually do it right

Thx Saul. I’m getting close to die.

On the second, knock back next, give turn back to canis and knock back next again.  Your give turner must have his turn ahead of the first Ouru that comes in.

Then use the autoprotector to kill the poison revenger that comes in, and give turn back to him to sleep bomb.

You then have two dreamhunts on the ourus - make sure you kill them in the right order.  You then need to element eradicate the remaining bronze shell and ouru, followed by protect focus - allowing your give turner to kill him while you continue to stealth one or both mons.

I cant because i already completed that. And cant play same challenge again…

It is the turn order of each monster on challenge 2.
Caniswyrm - knock back next, knock back next, (skip turns until two ouroburn got killed by dream hunt), element eradicate, protect focus, stealth vilegrin and caniswyrm until last ouroborn dies.
Sendalot - stealth teammate(vilegrin), megastone(voltyke), sleep bomb.
Vilegrin - give turn(caniswyrm), give turn(sendalot), dreamhunt(ouroburn), dreamhunt(ouroburn), ultrastone until last ouroborn dies.
If it does not work… after the caniswyrm element eradicate give him turn with vilegrin, and do protect focus… then follow all steps…

There has to be at least 2 dual hits by the fire thing to make canis survive long enough.

When i played It did three dual attack and which i all dodged with stealth. And one single attack to canis which was not a big deal

Hit me twice. All RNG…

Theres 2 way beat diff 2 and 3
I finish challenge 3 with single storm loch

I found that #2 was much harder than #3.

Two had to be done exactly right, Three was possible in several ways. That’s why two was way harder.

Wow. Tried following all the advice here but must be doing something wrong followed the move step by step also. Cannot beat number 2 get it to the last ous then he ends up killing both despite stealth and protect wtf

If you’d like, i did a video on it, I may have gotten lucky with the amounts of assisted blaze that last ouroburn was going for. 

Thanks to all that posted videos. Excellent strategies!