"Content Blocked "

Can you guys help me resolve this I don’t have any idea what’s this all about why am I block in online selection ? Am I banned or something.

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I don’t even have a 3rd party tho I legally download this on he playstore ps.

Mayhave cheated

You were banned due to fraudulent activity.

Like what can you give me some examples of it ?

Simple using mod apk :person_tipping_hand:

Downloaded the game from an unofficial source, used in game hacks or shared your account.

But I d legally downloaded my game through lay store

I just downloaded my game from yesterday in playstore there’s must some sort of misunderstanding here

@Dev_VKC one my friend told me that his account was also blocked from online without any reason, can you check that
He admits that he hadn’t used any mod !
Friend code : 13002152

If you strongly feel so, I recommend you to send a message to neo monsters support.


Put message like me dude

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I can’t enter to the online selection so how can I search your friend code?

Put your own friend code

I forgot lemme just login to my dummy account