Cannot decide which to evolve.

Of my Legendaries ready for evolution these are the ones I am most interested in evolving, opinons on which to do would be appreciated. I can only evolve one and am torn.


Pengborg lol

That is a super tough choice! One thing to take into account is their max cost. If you don’t currently have lots of space in your team then going for Tribris, Soulfox or Delugia may be tricky because each highly benefits from their secret skill which makes them 15/16 cost.

There are huge benefits for each of them, that is a tricky choice. Anything I say will probably be contradicted by someone else so I’d say look at your current team and pick which would most benefit it.

Yeah, all 5 of those monsters benefit enormously from ultra evolution. I can’t really pick a best either, so I’ll just list all the differences to hopefully help you decide which one is most worth it.

Tribris- Picks up Bloodfury, which reduces your reliance on sneak attack. More importantly though, it gives you access to his secret skill, which absolutely essential for him to have given his moveset.

Soulfox- Picks up Bloodthirst and Payback Revenge. The latter is incredible, because it forces the enemy to choose whether to let him pick up 2 kills or kill him and lose their sweeper. The secret skill is nothing to sneeze at either.

Galliovern- Picks up Life Flip Unlimited, and becomes an absolutely phenomenal pve sweeper. This thing can become a massive pain to get rid of. While he does have to take time away from sweeping to patch himself up, it wastes even more of the enemy’s time trying to get rid of him.

Delugia- Picks up double bloodthirst, which I really don’t even have to explain to you. The secret skill is also a must have, allowing him to insta gib aegis, bitter, raizen and uto among others.

Pengborg- Gains Desperate Bite, giving him a purpose beyond Slayerbane all. He can start a deadly overwatch loop, forcing the enemy to take at least one casualty in order to kill him if they don’t have a counter for it.

Tenebris without ss is not as good,deluga has agreat SS as well

Go for peng

Penguinator is mainly used for slayerbane all.

He has that already, and isn’t dependant on desperate bite.

Tenebris or hellfox. Hellfox for rebirth, tenebris for duplicate chain.

Thanks for the input guys. I guess choosing between these is a good problem to have!

I have tenebris,gallio,delugazar i would go first for deluga for double thirsty,speed and passive,2nd tenebris for is support passive and is clones,is speed is also good ,gallio is great but takes time to charge once charged he is great,quick stun flash is very useful either
Fox and penguinator are awesome either wish i have then…you have a tough choice bud :smiley:

Delugazar gets the most value from evolving, pengborg is the strongest PvP monster and galliodragon is the strongest pve monster imo. Which you want to focus on is up to you