Can you guys focus on art designing ?

Anyone like the ugly new legendary monster ?


Really? He looks kind of awesome imo.

yeah i like him more than the last one the “eye” and all these last event se

you’re insulting gay dragon

I agree, I’m not too crazy about him either. But I guess it’s all about taste. Some people will really like him.

He’s not the best, but he doesn’t look terrible as opposed to others. I kinda like him, would love rolling him in fact.

He can switch with a rockoid as many times as he wants, wich can be quite annoying if you face him in pvp. He looks quite good to me.

and we learned in another thread that a rockoid can be really frightening :smiley:

I like him, I think he looks awesome lol I love all the colours

yes they have to focus on design.please design monsters like kami,emer,bane,atra,zib,groovduos,aegis,ultima…

This was offensive!! Nah just kidding, i laugh a bit jeje

He’s fine. Bovolcus though. For a first one, his design is embarassing.

Nah wellplayed