Biweely mission: 3-2

It’s the one with the assisted nox front. I have tried it exactly 100 times now. Any tips?

I’d tell you if we could replay the missions, can’t remember.

Can you post some screenshots here or in Line of the front. I might remember what I did.

Feels like every time so far mission 8 has been the most painful one in the bunch. Maybe it’s just me.

It’s smack bang in the centre of the grid, surrounded by a world of nasty but the worst is always the one at the core. Beat that one and you beat them all :wink:

It’s the one with the assisted nox front. I have tried it exactly 100 times now. Any tips?

Shield shadow then accel with talo.
Take aegis to hold ground with shadow.
Backstab talo. (DR hitting alba is the best outcome since aegis diea to bane poison).
Maiden would be ahead of fang so faststrike it.
Prioritise getting rid of bane, reign and lava.
(If you can’t get rid of lava knock it back with flare. TT would be the end of you.)
Lavamane is key for shielding flare, terror and burns.
Try and use terror’s poison massacre more than its burst.
Make as many nebels as possible. (Don’t risk killing a nebel that can still make a clone)

BUT the mvp is burnsalot. If it dies you you lose your offensive power. Just make sure to use your other mons to get rid of rockoids before using burns. I recommend galvbane so you can crave sanctistag.

That’s how i beat it. Tbh i’m surprised that i did since i’m still getting use to all the new monsters. Still have no clue why stratustrike can’t be stunned even though it’s not stun immune.

Stratus is has stun immunity as well with hg. :slight_smile:

Oh it really is then, I probably confused it with wraithhost. I should play the game more often then…

If that’s the case then it must be pretty hard to take out in the frontline with one on one and protect self.

Wraithhost has stun immunity and hg as well and yes, if you don’t habe poison on your fl then it will be hard to get rid of stratus.