Biweekly mission 3.2 8/21/17-9/4/17

Thank vkc,
As other said - we dont want more yellow battles. Its great ad it is now. We just want more strategic fights :slight_smile:

Mission 4 is great to VKC. We start with chrono and enemy has tort. Time strike all when tort is 800+tu doesn’t even get him past half hp

Ah yeah that one, even 1k+ stun it wont die of tsa. :joy::joy::joy:
And I finished this bi-weekly challenge. Wew. -_-

Still have a few more to do. Harder this time than last time

Everything this biweekly is kinda ok except 3.2. GL

the assisted nova fl against bazilogon fl from last time was hard and frustrating

VKC what do you think about the xp lamps not being used instantly but going to your reward box? That way those that are 150 hero can save them up incase you ever raise the hero rank. If you dont then it makes no odds if they are in reward box anyway. Bit more of a reason to do them

Yeah, that would be ideal. But unfortunately we don’t have the function right now…

Regard to Hero Rank, I am actually thinking to make it higher only for more tickets (cost will stay 206), so no need of grinding.

Any pointers for the two challenges in the far right column? One has bolv and revan in the front line with some dual knock backs following up and I’ve got nothing on that one. The poison mons are tearing me up. The other has gear zib geo and appolo in the opposing teams fl. I can’t crack the code for either one. Any help would be much appreciated.