Been a little bit need some help, Berg

Heisennberg here, got around 52 wins in the current season. Trying to get a team to really click but… unfortunately Im struggling with
that lol Ignoring all the obscene monsters being released I still enjoy the PvP a lot, and my monster selection isn’t great but better then from a month ago. Could really use some help and tips on the two teams I put together… and ignore the cele in FL was just efffing around with step back

Your endgame is weak to lemon

Not really but if lucky he could get all his allies poisoned if he poison gases before lemon coming

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Galvbane is weak now it gets to hg every time flocco enters and flocco is everywhere so I would just remove it

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I can’t just stand by while you give someone troll advice @TheCroutonGuy

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I’m not trolling it’s a FACT

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I wouldnt worry about it , 99 /100 players who use lemon use a poison revenge monster like 2 spots before lemon . #Bigbrains


But time’s change grandson . He is telling absolute truth .

Galvbane is unviable in floccolasurus era . You should find a new mascot , my sweet little blonde pumpkin .


*Guardians execute to protector killer :grinning:
Now we’re talking about some real Galvbane :smirk:


If it was added, it would be like that:

“Wow, after a long effort, I finally evolved my Galvbane into his legend form! Let’s crush everyone!”

Galvegend got one shoted by Scarleguard

“I give up”

watch out for nova engame since you create rocks the raw bloodthirst wont work also idk if freeze beside nova is good because it gets poisoned and hg becomes useless also your team lacks stun protection so maybe try replacing a mon with valza (problably the cyberwyrm coz most good teams have great stun protection).Do you know how to turn SS off coz I see al ur mons with it on and idk if they all deserve it.Maybe you can fit an extra legend if u carefuly manage SS costs.If u want to turn them off you can by pressing on it in the skills of ur monster.I hope this helps you !!!

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He’s faster than Scarleguard also he has link instant knock back :stuck_out_tongue:

Only 5 ingredients can be used on one monster bro

This has never happened to my Galvbane, not even once

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It’s a Legendary Galvbane
He exceeds the limit

Gary! It’s all your fault! Now Tanbeer is infected with your Galvbane mental illness