Auto play

@Dev_BRD @Dev_VKC

Would be nice if youth fruit and silver mines had auto play :slight_smile:


Could not agree more

This. And more team slots.

I totaly agree with speed up the grind situation in silver mines/ youth fruits. But imo auto play is the wrong way because 3x AoE in silver mines is fast enough and there is no need to auto-play this. Fight is over and you have to reconnect…

My suggestion would be a “re-battle” button at the end of a fight so you can instantly fight again and skip connecting time / dungeon run.

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I do it in 2 :sunglasses:

And yes, a refight option without going back to the menu / dungeon will be AMAZING

I prefer more tickets for more rewards when farming ingredients

I agree if there is Youth Fruit / Silver Mine Level 3