
Afternoon everyone,

Thought I would share this piece of fan art I did at the end of last year with you all. One of my favourites, Oniblade. Recently got back into playing the game so thought it would be a good time to share! I may do more, time permitting.:blush:

Would love to see some of your fan art if you’ve done any!


That’s amazing! You should do more


There’s a thread for this already, please add it there instead: Neo Monsters fan art gallery

Great work on this Oniblade. I hope you are inspired to do more :slight_smile:

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I will do, thanks for the heads up!

The best fan art is in the Line Group.

There’s even the Mythic version of Doomengine

My fan art :blush: I call him the Akhcopter!
should i do more?? :thinking:


Would love to see angelion, zeuswrym, leogeist, polareon, tygeron, saintfeather with Rudolph, just some suggestions :grin::grin::ok_hand:

Please make a fan art for Jingledragon pls

dayum my fav monster (in 2017) lol
but still have special place in my heart since i am using it in every offline mission
that’s why my picture is him hehe